The question of Anakin Skywalker’s true parentage has been a hot topic of debate amongStar Warsfans for decades now. With his mother stating he has no father, it's often been theorized that either Dark Plagueis or the future Emperor Palpatine were responsible for Anakin’s conception via th...
ByAndrew Dyce PublishedJun 26, 2024 The mystery of Anakin Skywalker's father has finally been solved, with Star Wars seemingly confirming a major fan theory. SPOILERS ahead. Comics Star Wars
For whatever reason, The Simpsons seems to have no problem giving away big movie twists. In some cases, the show chooses a famous twist as a punch line, and it's not going to upset many fans to mention that Darth Vader is Luke Skywalker's father, for example. There are other big ...
16.Big Mommas: Like Father, Like Son(2011) Fox 16.Big Mommas: Like Father, Like Son(2011) It wasn’t too long ago that Martin Lawrence wasn’t just one of the most recognizable stand-up comedians in the country; he was also in plenty of comedies and action films. Leaving aside how...
If you say, “Luke, I am your father,” people who have never seen Star Wars film will know what you are talking about. This misquote is ironic, considering Darth Vader never actually says, “Luke, I am your father.” Actually, he says, “No, I am your father,” but fans have ...
He is raised on the planet Tatooine by his mother, Shmi Skywalker, who says Anakin had no father, implying miraculous birth. He is a gifted pilot and engineer as demonstrated by beating his Pod-Racing rival Sebulba and has the ability to "see things before they happen". He even creates ...
Just as Luke had faced his father, the new generation of students had to face the Yuuzhan Vong before they could truly become Jedi.Source: The Power of the Jedi Sourcebook soloanakin 多林 9 根据 基普达伦的说法,他的十二加二复仇者将“几乎势不可挡”,并可能成为银河系中最伟大的中队,如果...
father = 'vader') // bad - raises exception const reaction = "No! That's impossible!" (async function meanwhileOnTheFalcon(){ // handle `leia`, `lando`, `chewie`, `r2`, `c3p0` // ... }()) // bad - returns `undefined` instead of the value on the next line - always ...
when he thinks his Mandalorian father figure, Din Djarin, is in trouble. [TCW] [He can use the force to create a bubble around people's heads, allowing them to breathe underwater.] [TCW] [Anakin uses the power of the planet
全名: Hayden Christensen 昵称: Big H 头发颜色: 金色 眼睛颜色:蓝色 身高: 6'1"体重: 139 - 159 lbs.生日: April 19, 1981 星座:白羊座 出生地:加拿大温哥华Gray, Radiohead 不喜欢: Celine Dion, Bryan Adams 成长的地方: Thornhill, Ontario, Canada (outside of Toronto)父母:母亲Alie...