After killing Obi-Wan aboard the Death Star and the Battle of Yavin, he discovers the existence of his son, Luke Skywalker, and becomes determined to turn him to the dark side. But Anakin eventually redeems himself to save his son from his Sith master, fulfilling the prophecy as the Chos...
Tionne Solusar, the Jedi historian, finds that Vader had saved Obi-Wan Kenobi's lightsaber. With Anakin, Tahiri, Uldir and Ikrit, Tionne goes to Vader's fortress at Bast Castle on Vjun to retrieve it, only to have Orloc, a self-claimed "mage" after it as well. Orloc, after captur...
Star Wars fans, and for anybody who likes to be in huge battles with lots of enemies. Other Helpful Reviews for Star Wars: Battlefront II Rating:9.6 The new features bring something new to the table for Star Wars Battlefront II. ByObi-Wan678| Review Date: Jun 24, 2006 |PS2...
“You are strong and wise, Anakin, and I am very proud of you. I have trained you since you were a small boy. I have taught you everything I know, and you have become a far greater Jedi than I could ever hope to be.”— Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi to Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalk...
19 Heartbreaking Details About Obi-Wan Kenobi That Drove Us To The Dark Side 'Star Wars' Fans Reveal Heartbreaking Theories About Droids 15 Heartbreaking 'Star Wars' Fan Theories That Make A Lot Of Sense 14 Heartbreaking Posts 'Star Wars' Fans Made About Anakin Skywalker And Padmé Amidala...