when he thinks his Mandalorian father figure, Din Djarin, is in trouble. [TCW] [He can use the force to create a bubble around people's heads, allowing them to breathe underwater.] [TCW] [Anakin uses the power of the planet
When Obi-Wan emerges from Padmé's ship, Vader accuses her of conspiring against him and uses the Force to choke her into unconsciousness. Vader then engages Obi-Wan in a lightsaber duel, which ends when Obi-Wan severs Vader's legs and remaining organic arm in mid-air. Vader then slides...
在《星際大戰三部曲:西斯大帝的復仇》中,我們看到了這位備受期待的預言之子與戰爭英雄,逐漸被黑暗的思想腐蝕最終轉變為全銀河系最令人不寒而慄的恐怖反派。 MMS437 1/6 比例 安納金·天行者,是由Hot Toys 擁有天才頭雕師稱號的Kojun 親自操刀製作,逼真生動地完整重現了海登·克里斯坦森所飾演的安納金·天行者頭雕,並且...
分享3赞 海登·克里斯滕森吧 璐村惂鐢ㄦ埛_00QN97t馃惥 安纳金·天行者(达斯·维德) 安纳金·天行者(达斯·维德)(Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader) 家乡:塔图因(Tatooine) 种族:人类 性别:男 身高:1.35米(童年) 1.85米(青年) 2.02米(达斯·维达,含盔甲) 武器:光剑(lightsaber) 交通工具:雷顿-厄尔泽 620C 赛...