Anagram Master quickly solves anagram puzzles using a large English dictionary. It is useful for solving anagram problems, scrabble, word yahtzee, word poker and a few other word games and puzzles. You can input any length of anagram and select the size of words to search for. It uses a...
Anagram Generator is a freeware and portable app that can create anagrams and lexigrams, generate reverse dictionaries, and more.
Solves just the hurdle which is hardly major;And edgy traits, like hawk-eyed self-possession,Shall not upset one shrewd, much quicker wager.No, in this hostile game, you have one aid:A crafty lie, a trap dug deep and wide,So hatch yours with one scummy hoe or spade,And throw your ...
Answer to: An \rule{1in}{.2mm} problem requires reorganization of a group of letters to form words. A. algorithm B. anagram C. analogy D. None...