import java.util.Arrays; /** * Java Program to check if two String is an anagram of each other or not. Two * String is said to be an anagram of each other, if they contain exactly same * characters but in a different order. For example "army" and "mary" are anagram * of each...
To use the program, simply invoke the program with a combination of options that make sense together. Here is the format: wordplay string [-silxavnXmXdX] [-w word] [-f wordfile] where the capital X's represent integers. Please see the examples below the option descriptions. The square...
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Sexy tart does in-and-out with the seven dwarves! Spam Category: Richard Grantham with: The program includes: BONUS AMAZING FAT ABSORBER CAPSULES, THE 30-DAY WEIGHT REDUCTION PLAN, PROGRESS REPORT, AND MUCH MORE!!! = Spammer! Spammer! not so bright, Zero, dog-dung, scrap of shite, Churn...
Iran's nuclear program =An alarming precursor. People's Name Category: Scott Gardner with:Benedict Timothy Carlton Cumberbatch = That much-noted romantic BBC celebrity. Other Name Category:Julian Lofts with:The Shroud of Turin = Undershirt of Thou. Medium Length Category: Scott Gardner with:...
* Built-in dictionary, look up over 100,000 definitions ANAGRAMS Try moonstarer to find astronomer, also finds smaller words such as resonator and tearooms. CR.SSW.RDS Use . to represent an unknown letter, try c...w... to find clockwork and crossword CROSS...