; (2) Gram-negative—cocci and bacilli. Many anaerobic bacteria possess virulence factors that facilitate their pathogenicity (e.g. histolytic enzymes and various toxins). A putrid odour of the affected tissue or drainage is highly suggestive of an anaerobic infection, as is the presence of ...
2) gram-positive anaerobic bacterium 革兰氏阳性厌氧菌3) Aerobic gram-negative bacteria 需氧革兰氏阴性菌4) Oxidative gram negative rod bacteria 氧化型革兰氏阴性杆菌5) gram negative bacteria 革兰氏阴性细菌 例句>> 6) Gram negative bacillus 革兰氏阴性杆菌 1. Objective To evaluate the efficacy...
您现在的位置:生物医药大词典 >> 通用词典 >> 词汇解释: Gram-negative anaerobic bacteria【微】 Gram-negative anaerobic bacteria【微】分享到: 革兰氏阴性厌氧菌分类: 科技词汇 | 查看相关文献(pubmed) | 免费全文文献 详细解释:以下为句子列表:分享到: ...
Anaerobic bacteria are important commensal flora of the skin and oral, intestinal, and pelvic mucosae, and are classified according to their Gram-staining characteristics and ability to produce spores: (1) Gram-positive—cocci, non-spore-forming bacilli, and spore-forming bacilli (notably the ...
a strong resistance by bacteria to absorbing stains. —chromatophobic,adj. hemophile,haemophile a bacterium that grows well in the presence of hemoglobin. —hemophilic,adj. microbiology the branch of biology that studies microorganisms, including bacteria, viruses, fungi, and pathogenic protozoa. —mi...
BacteriawhichgrowwithoutO2,eitherbymetabolicnecessity(obligateanaerobes)or bypreference(facultativeanaerobes).Anaerobesaretheprimarypathogensofwoundinfections.Specimensobtainedfrompatientsinwhomananaerobicinfectionissuspectedrequirespecialhandling,as O2(i.e.,openair)istoxictoculturesandtheymaypresentas“culture-negative”...
Among all, Gram-positive bacteria constitute the most frequently isolated pathogens (45–65%), followed by Gram-negative bacteria (25–40%) and fungi (3–6%) [1–4]. Infection with mycobacteria and anaerobic bacteria is rare, both of which are found in <0.5% of peritonitis episodes [1]....
大图:6000× 4000 像素·50.8 cm × 33.87 cm·300dpi·JPG 中图:1000× 667 像素·35.28 cm × 23.53 cm·72dpi·JPG 小图:500× 333 像素·17.64 cm × 11.75 cm·72dpi·JPG 了解更多 图片套餐 常见问题: 商业用途| 授权| 授权书| 发票| 合同问题 ...
大图:7200× 4050 像素·60.96 cm × 34.29 cm·300dpi·JPG 中图:1000× 563 像素·35.28 cm × 19.86 cm·72dpi·JPG 小图:500× 282 像素·17.64 cm × 9.95 cm·72dpi·JPG 了解更多 图片套餐 常见问题: 商业用途| 授权| 授权书| 发票| 合同问题 ...
Anaerobic bacteria are organisms which are inactivated by exposure to air, and some species grow very slowly. Thus, they are good candidates for direct det