问题解决了$ conda info < conda: command not found 浏览6提问于2022-01-03得票数0 27回答 Anaconda已安装,但无法启动Navigator 、、、 蟒蛇(被列为“Python3.6.0(蟒蛇4.3.1 64位)”)在我的程序和功能列表中,但似乎没有蟒蛇导航器桌面应用程序,因为他们似乎没有图标在我的桌面上,我无法通过“开始”搜索...
当我下一次打开终端时完成安装,看起来就像这意味着我处在Conda的主要环境中。when startup, run:但是当我这样做的时候,当我离开(基地)的时候,下一次我打开终端,尝试打开anaconda-navigator的Anaconda时,它会说anaconda-navigator: command not found。 浏览0提问于2019-04-30得票数 3 ...
from PySide importversionas PYSIDE_VERSION # analysis:ignore ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'PySide' During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/Users/lou/anaconda3/bin/anaconda-navigator", line 7, in from anaconda_navigat...
根据吴老师的课程使用Anaconda Navigator新建专用虚拟环境时遇到的问题: 根据下面的方式创建: 出现报错: PackagesNotFoundError: 在创建之前进行了配置镜像下载渠道使用了清华镜像站。这个错误是说此包无法从当前渠道获得。 解决办法: 在Anaconda Prompt里输入:conda create -c conda-forge -n [环境的名字] python=......
anaconda_project.internal.conda_api.CondaError: failed to run:'conda info --json':"FileNotFoundError(2, 'No such file or directory')" Run Code Online (Sandbox Code Playgroud) 康达清单 康达 /Users/tolynovik/opt/anaconda3 环境中的软件包: ...
I am now able to successfully open anaconda navigator. So was the issue just that my anaconda-navigator was not running 1.5.1? Thanks for your help! goanpeca commentedon Apr 5, 2017 goanpeca dwanneruchi commentedon Apr 13, 2017
1、问题: 今天在使用lsb_release -a进行系统版本查询的时候,发现报如下错误:lsb_release: command not found. 2、安装lsb_release: 需要进行lsb_release的安装,执行yum install -y redhat-lsb: 出现如上所示,安装成功! 3、查验系统版本 执行lsb_release -a进行查验。...E...
Press CTRL+ALT+T to open up a terminal window and run the command: anaconda-navigator Read:How to fix error : Conda command not found Anaconda navigator won’t launch Sometimes you will face the issue in which the Anaconda navigator will not be able to start. ...
Conda examines the current environment, including everything installed, and, along with any version limitations specified, determines how to install a compatible set of dependencies, and issues a warning if this is not possible. Using the conda install command, users can install open source packages...
我刚刚安装了conda clean包和anaconda navigator。当我使用anaconda-navigator命令时,它显示command not found,anaconda-command not found也是如此。当我输入相应的安装命令时,终端显示已经满足了要求。 OS - Ubuntu 16.04 LTS 浏览1提问于2018-10-08得票数 0 ...