Open-source software (OSS) has become foundational to tech stacks across a multitude of industries; as such, nurturing the health and vibrancy of the open-source community is of utmost importance to us. Over the last decade, Anaconda has devoted tens of millions of dollars to open-source inno...
We are proud to distribute and contribute to a variety of open-source projects. Technologies for Data Science
Index of /anaconda/archive/ | 清华大学开源软件镜像站 | Tsinghua Open Source 2.安装 傻瓜式安装,一直下一步即可安装完成 可以选择All users 可自定义路径 不选择添加环境变量 3.配置环境变量 D:\Anaconda D:\Anaconda\Scripts 将如上路径添加到系统pa...
Index of /anaconda/archive/ | 清华大学开源软件镜像站 | Tsinghua Open Source Mirror 开始安装 右键,管理员身份运行,next next c盘不够,路径可以改,注意这个文件夹不要使用中文或者空格、特殊字符。 直接默认就好,这里来到 Advanced Options 了,所谓的“高级选项”。两个默认就好,第一个是加入环境变量,第二个是...
进入清华镜像网下载:清华大学开源软件镜像站 | Tsinghua Open Source Mirror 1.通过搜索框找到Anaconda 2.点击archive 3.找到与操作系统匹配以及所需的anaconda版本进行下载 4.另存到D盘 5.双击进行安装 6.配置环境变量 7.在终端(先win + R,后输入cmd+回车)输入:conda -V ,测试是否成功 ...
Anaconda contains open source software packages from third parties. These are available on an "as is" basis and subject to their individual license agreements. These licenses are available in Anaconda or at . Any binary packages of these ...
1. 下载 (1)官网下载:Anaconda | Individual Edition (2)镜像网站下载: Index of /anaconda/archive/ | 清华大学开源软件镜像站 | Tsinghua Open Source Mirror 2. 安装 点击Next 选择All Users,点击Next 接着就是路径,尽量不要装在C盘,因为后续下载很多包,太占空间。我选择了D盘或E盘。创建一个Anaconda...
(2)镜像网站下载:Index of /anaconda/archive/ | 清华大学开源软件镜像站 | Tsinghua Open Source Mirror 2. 安装 点击Next 选择All Users,点击Next 接着就是路径,尽量不要装在C盘,因为后续下载很多包,太占空间。我选择了D盘或E盘。创建一个Anaconda文件夹。路径中不要有空格!不要有中文!
Anaconda is the world's leading data science ecosystem of machine learning libraries. Anaconda’s current online platform and enterprise-grade solutions enable enterprises, government agencies, and academic institutions around the world to harness the power of open source for competitive advant...
cv2是 OpenCV(Open Source Computer Vision Library)的 Python 接口。OpenCV 是一个开源的计算机视觉库,它包含了大量的图像和视频处理功能,如特征检测、对象识别、图像分割等。 基础概念 Anaconda: 一个用于科学计算的 Python 和 R 的发行版,包含了许多常用的数据科学库。