the open source Anaconda Distribution is the fastest and easiest way to do Python and R data science and machine learning on Linux, Windows, and Mac OS X. It’s the industry standard for developing, testing, and training on a single machine. ...
上面代码地址: 关键字global,可以在函数内引用全局变量。 实际上局部找不到变量也会到全局去找。上面代码地址: 使用命令del“va...
Install a different version of Python conda create --name py2 python=2 1. Verify environment added conda info --envs 1. Use a different version of Python -Linux, OS X: source activate py2 1. -Windows: activate py2 1. Deactivate this environment -Linux, OS X: source deactivate 1. -...
首先,就是双版本anaconda的安装: 以前安装好的是python2.7版本,而TensorFlow的安装仅支持3.5版本的。但是自己本来的2.7版本又不想遗弃。所以安装双版本的; 在anaconda的官网上下载2.7版本和3.5版本; 先安装其中一个,我是想安装的2.7.一路next就可以了。 重点来了,安装3.5版本的过程如下: 1. 我下载的版本是Anaconda...
conda create --name py2 python=2 Verify environment added conda info --envs Use a different version of Python -Linux, OS X: source activate py2 -Windows: activate py2 Deactivate this environment -Linux, OS X: source deactivate -Windows: deactivate Verify current environment conda info --env...
1编译安装 注意: 系统上已有 python2.7 使用以下 卸载, 不卸载也行 编译安装 注意 要 验证时使用 python3 -version yum -y remove ...
参考网址: 11、分享环境 (1):如果你想把你当前的环境配置与别人分享,这样ta可以快速建立一个与你一模一样的环境(同一个版本的python及各种包)来共同开发/进行新的实验。一个分享环境的快速方法就是给ta一个...
That is a very advanced, virtual Python environment. It is for people who need, or think they need, to run multiple different Python versions. But even then, in most cases, they don't need that. They are only using Anaconda because that's what hip Python coders do and they are all ...
- Or specify a different location below [/home/eyeglasses/anaconda3] >>> 看见installation finished就证明安装好了,最后一个问题是关于自动初始化conda,yes自动配置,no自己配置。我选的yes。 installation finished. Do you wish to update your shell profile to automatically initialize conda?
Anaconda is distributed in two different installers: Anaconda2 default environment is Python 2.7 Anaconda3 default environment is Python 3.7 Both versions of Anaconda can create Python 2.7 and Python 3.6 environments. The version of Anaconda tested and supported for this release of PowerAI is version...