Anaconda is available as a free download for Windows 11, Windows 10, Windows 8.1, Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows Vista, and Windows XP SP3 both 32-bit and 64-bit systems. You can download the appropriate version of Anaconda based on your system architecture and start using it to enhance ...
Distribution installation on Windows, MacOS, or Linux *Use of Anaconda’s Offerings at an organization of more than 200 employees requires a Business or Enterprise license.See Pricing Provide email to download Distribution Email Address: Agree to receive communication from Anaconda regarding relevant con...
选择对应的版本下载,解压,将文件夹里的内容拷贝到CUDA的安装目录并覆盖相应的文件夹,CUDA默认安装目录: C:\Program Files\NVIDIA GPU Computing Toolkit\CUDA\v9.2 安装Anaconda 选择相应的版本下载,这个下载过程有点慢,也可以选择从清华镜像下载,点击Anaconda3-5.2.0-Windows-x86...
安装Python 3.6:bash ~/Downloads/ 安装Python 2.7:bash ~/Downloads/ 注意: 首词bash也需要输入,无论是否用的Bash shell。 如果你的下载路径是自定义的,那么把该步骤路径中的~/Downloads替换成你自己的下载路径。 Anaconda3 Python3.7.9 编译安装 创建deepchem虚拟环境 conda create -n deepchem python=3.7 激活虚拟环境并安装依赖包 conda activate deepchem(deepchem) >conda install tensorflow(deepchem) >conda install tensorflow-probability(deepchem) >conda install pandas ...
Distribution installation on Windows, MacOS, or Linux *Use of Anaconda’s Offerings at an organization of more than 200 employees requires a Business or Enterprise license.See Pricing Provide email to download Distribution Email Address: Agree to receive communication from Anaconda regarding relevant con...
点击此网页: 选择Windows系统下的安装器,注意此时的Python版本对应的是3.11 打开安装文件,一路next(安装路径大家可以根据需要调整) 注意下边这步,不建议勾选第二个选项。像我这样选就可以。 点击finish,完成安装。
本文以Windows操作系统为例。首先打开网址,进入如下页面,选择Python3或Python2,建议选择Python3: 安装之后,有IPython、Jupyter notebook和Spyder三个Python开发环境可用,本文重点介绍后面两个,如图: 1)首先看一下Jupyter notebook,单击上面的菜单,自动打开一个网页,如图: ...
Anaconda, free and safe download. Anaconda latest version: Python-based data science platform. Anaconda is a data science platform built around the pr