The 4–5 m high raised reefs in Anaa Atoll certainly date back to the last interglacial age. The Holocene reefs, which have yielded dates between 3200 and 2000 yrs B.P., are slightly more elevated than in other Tuamotu atolls, and appear to be rising at a relative rate of about 0.1 ...
Anaa Airport (IATA: AAA, ICAO: NTGA) is an airport serving Anaa, an atoll in the Tuamotu archipelago in French Polynesia. It is located 2 km southeast of the village of Tukuhora.Airlines and destinationsAir Tahiti (Tahiti) The above content comes from Wikipedia and is published under free...
The atoll of Anaa was known by the legendary cruelty of its soldiers who in the seventeenth century, dominated the north-west of the Tuamotus. WikiMatrix Finalment, Anaïs Nin ajuda Henry Miller a publicar la seva novel·la Tròpic de Càncer, però accelera alhora la separació dels Mil...
Anaa (Tuamotu Islands, Central Pacific): An incipient rising atoll? The 4–5 m high raised reefs in Anaa Atoll certainly date back to the last interglacial age. The Holocene reefs, which have yielded dates between 3200 and ... PA Pirazzoli,M Koba,LF Montaggioni,... - 《Marine Geology...
MATERNAL-FETAL TRANSFER OF MELATOllIN IN THE NON-HUMAN PRIMATE Steven M. Reppert. Ronald A. Chez, A l l a n Anderson, and Oavid C. Klein Section on Neuroendocrinology Laboratory o f Developmental Neurobiology and Pregnancy Research Branch National I n s t i t u t e o f C h i l...
Anaaranana假日酒店坐落在Maldives North Male Atoll的芒娄岛上,是这片海洋天堂上的一个绝佳地点。酒店拥有宽敞的客房、别墅和豪华套房,为整个家庭提供了一个舒适的假期居所。丰富的亲子活动不仅让孩子们欢笑不断,家长们也能放心享受假期。 酒店的沙滩和大海都是让游客无法抗拒的地方,可以在沙滩上散步、享受阳光,或者...