Rolling off the streaming debut of its first French original series “The Confidante” and docu “Breaking the Bank,” Max announced two new French shows, and a Spring launch in Turkey during a panel discussion at Content London.In Turkey, Max will bring together BluTV, a local SVOD service...
Anti-UF6b immunoglobulin isotypes were determined with the Mouse Typer Isotyping Panel (Bio-Rad). Plates were coated and blocked, as described above, and mouse sera diluted 1:1,000 was added. After washing five times the isotyping panel was added, followed by five washes, then (HRP)-conjuga...
It’s telling that an “electrical lock” on the Professor’s gates—essentially a remote control garage door opener—is given as much screen time as his robot or destroying ray (the first depiction of a “ray gun” on screen, essentially a spotlight that kills anything the light touches)....
Pathological features of HIV-1 infection in the brain are often referred to as HIV encephalitis (HIVE) and include activated resident microglia, microglial nodules, multinucleated giant cells, infiltration predominantly by monocytoid cells, including blood-derived macrophages, and decreased synaptic and ...