20世纪60-70年代出现大地艺术(Land Art),或称地球艺术(Earth Art),而Mendieta只是其中一个,但她留下的作品无疑在艺术史上留下的深刻一笔。因为Mendieta在36岁的时候便去世了,她的丈夫成为Mendieta死因的最大嫌疑人;邻居先听到他们二人激烈的争吵后,Mendieta从33层的公寓窗户坠亡,那时他们的婚姻才维持8个月。
Ana Mendieta was a Cuban-American performance artist, video-artist, and sculptor interested in the relationship between the female body and nature. View Ana Mendieta’s 147 artworks on artnet. Find an in-depth biography, exhibitions, original artworks fo
The course of study was founded by the German artist Hans Breder, who encouraged students to explore emerging disciplines, such as conceptual art, land art, video, and performance.Moffitt Building Piece, Rape Scene, and Silueta series While in the intermedia program, Mendieta created her first ...
movements that influenced the period on the artist's works. In this direction, in Mendieta's Sil眉eta series, the female body conceptualised with the methods and materials used by the artist and the traces left by the body in nature are examined through Land Art, Pro...
Irrigation Veins:Ana Mendieta and Carolee Schneemann - Selected Works 1966 – 1983.群展.2020年4月30日 - 2020年5月30日.展览馆:Galerie Lelong & Co.(勒隆画廊)(纽约),P·P·O·W.艺术家:Ana Mendieta,Carolee Schneemann.主办方:Galerie Lelong & Co.(勒隆画廊
Ana Mendieta was a Cuban-American female artist, whose work was a continuing search for identity throughout her life. She often searched for her roots in the earth itself, using it directly in her art and with her own body. This "return to the earth" was a metaphor for her life on ...