Etymology Prefix derived from Greek ana "up, back" Medical Definition ana 1 of 2 adverb ˈan-ə : of each an equal quantity used in writing prescriptions ANA 2 of 2 abbreviation 1 American Nurses Association 2 antinuclear antibodies; antinuclear antibody More...
Etymology Prefix derived from Greek ana "up, back" Medical Definition ana 1 of 2 adverb ˈan-ə : of each an equal quantity used in writing prescriptions ANA 2 of 2 abbreviation 1 American Nurses Association 2 antinuclear antibodies; antinuclear antibody More...
"subcutaneous dropsy," late 14c., medical Latin, abbreviation of Greek phrase(hydrops) ana sarka"(dropsy) throughout the flesh," fromana"throughout" (seeana-) +sarx(genitivesarkos) "flesh" (seesarcasm). Anastasia fem. proper name, from fem. of Late LatinAnastasius, from GreekAnastasios, ...