Last year, I discoveredAna Huangwhen I read herIf Love Seriesand quickly became a fan. She writes the type of romances I love to read with great chemistry between her leads and addicting plots. I was never bored reading that series and I made sure to keep an eye out for any of her ...
I am slightly disappointed that the Valhalla Club wasn’t a bigger aspect to the plot. When I first read about this series, it seemed like the club would be the centralizing factor of this series. While we definitely met some future series leads in this one, I would have liked to have...
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Ultimately, both The Walt Disney Company and Joe Books Ltd asked for Jack Sparrow to be in the lead role, yet Schweizer has stated that he would have given Anamaria her own ship had he realized the series' imminent cancellation.[19] In LEGO Pirates of the Caribbean: The Video Game, ...
The UPLC-PDA method was validated in terms of specificity, linearity, precision (repeatability and intermediate precision), limit of detection (LOD) and limit of quantification (LOQ), accuracy and robustness (Araujo, 2009, ICH, 2005, Shabir, 2003, USP, 2007). In order to check the specificity...
Half-Light Harbor (Scottish Isles Series Book 1)by Samantha Young 10/23/25 The Defender (Gods of the Game Book 2)by Ana Huang 10/28/25 November 2025 Surrender (Beneath The Ruin Book 1)by Luna Mason 11/1/25 Returning to Me (Willow Valley Book 6)by S.L. Sterling 11/18/25 ...
Elaine (Samantha Robinson) uses spells and charms to win the hearts of a series of men, but they can’t fill the hole in her heart, even as she drives them to their deaths. (Robinson’s matter-of-fact voice-overs, revealing the gap between Elaine’s perceptions and external reality, ...
Series: If Love Author: Ana Huang # of Books: 4 (Full Reading Order Here) Book Order: Chronological Complete?: Yes Genre: New Adult, Contemporary, Romance Heat Rating: Toasty Point of View: Third Person, Alternating Publication Date: June 30, 2020 — December 2020 Source & Format: Author...