#Ana de Armas#主演Netflix打造的#玛丽莲梦露#传记片#金发梦露#首周末全球观看时长达3734万小时空降本周Netflix电影全球观看时长榜亚军!这是Netflix首部NC-17成人级电影,尺度 非常大!不过本片无论影评人口碑还是观众口碑都极差。烂番茄新鲜度仅42%,均分只有5.5。烂番茄爆米花指数更低,只有32%,观众均分只有2.2...
Ana de Armas said Robert De Niro is to thank for one of the best surprises her father has received.During her opening monologue on Saturday Night Live, the Cuban-born actress recalled working with the Raging Bull actor one day on set while filming her first movie in the U.S., Hands of...
【猴姆独家】#Ana de Armas#变身#玛丽莲梦露#!主演Netflix新作#金发梦露#曝光全新官方【中字】预告片!还原了梦露多个经典造型!!!本片改编自乔伊思·卡罗尔·奥特兹的畅销小说,大胆地再现了好莱坞最不朽的偶像之一玛丽莲·梦露的生活。从她作为诺玛·简的动荡童年,到她的明星地位和爱情纠葛,《金发梦露》模糊了事实和...
Netflix Andrew Dominik’s “Blonde” is about to make its world premiere at the Venice Film Festival, which means moviegoers will finally get to find out why the Marilyn Monroe drama is rated NC-17. The rating has generated significant buzz for the movie, which casts Ana de Armas as ...
Top ten most-watched movies ever on Netflix are not what you might expect 1/10/2025 by StevieMac Netflix Life Taylor Swift’s Billionaire Playbook: How She Plans To Propel Travis Kelce To The Top 1/10/2025 by Arunava Chakrabarty
netflix @blonde//Getty Images 從《銀翼殺手2049》中深深吸引萊恩葛斯林(Ryan Gosling)的全息投影女孩Joi、《鋒迴路轉》裡意外深陷家族謀殺案的護士Marta、《007:生死交戰》的新任「龐德女郎」Paloma,到《金髮夢露》中脆弱的瑪麗蓮夢露(Marilyn Monroe),來自古巴的安娜德哈瑪斯(Ana de Armas)無疑是近年來好萊塢最受...
《007:无暇赴死》最强特工邦德回归,优雅与强悍的完美结合 820 2 2:35 App James Bond 历任007饰演时的年龄 177 -- 2:28 App 最后的决斗首曝官方预告片!本·阿弗莱克和马特·达蒙、开罗人Adam Driver、朱迪科默等参演!雷德利·斯科特执导,本马达还担任编剧。10月15日北美公映! 467 -- 1:02 App 纯爷们戴什...
The actress stars in the upcoming Netflix films 'The Gray Man' and 'Blonde.' Ana de Armasis giving the world an intimate look at the woman behind the infamous Marilyn Monroe persona in the upcoming filmBlonde. “Definitely not the movie people expect,” the 34-year-ol...
"YellowFlash 2" Ana De Armas is DONE with Hollywood idiots! Netflix actress WRECKS celebrity culture! (TV Episode 2023) - Movies, TV, Celebs, and more...
This may Netflix’s most daring movie to date sinceBlondehas already been given an NC-17 for graphic sexual content. None of that is seen in the first teaser trailer, however. Instead, we get a glimpse of de Armas as Norma Jeane Mortenson, a young woman whose life has been overwhelmed...