ANA Cargo B767-300ER JA602F 只看楼主收藏回复 崇文一只猹 莱特兄弟 14 ANA Cargo B767-300ER JA602F 送TA礼物 来自iPhone客户端1楼2020-06-10 18:42回复 崇文一只猹 莱特兄弟 14 白嫩的卡狗 来自iPhone客户端2楼2020-06-10 18:43 收起回复 ...
【ANA 767】高崎金光全日空货运B767-381ER BCF JA603A 2*GE CF6-80C2B6F #中国航空摄影[超话]##航空##航空摄影##随手拍##遇见美好##航空那些事儿##摄影##带着微博去旅行##周末去哪儿##不止飞行##说走就走的旅...
ANA全日空B747-400D皮卡丘涂装 新千岁机场最终日20130929【SKY CABIN】 2777 -- 4:51 【高音質】アナウンスと新Another Sky(降機時BGM) 344 2 7:10 全日空波音767-300ER的不正经开箱 289 -- 1:32 全日空 ANA DHC-8-400 环保涂装。JA857A 伊丹着陸 Landing ITAMI RJOO [HD] 3392 7 24:01 【...
ANA全日空 波音B767-300F 降落厦门高崎机场真心喜欢厦门拍机位 位置位于嘉禾路天桥 靠近高崎地铁站[喵喵]虽是高温 但能出这样的照片 值了![耶] @全日空航空_ANA @波音
All Nippon Airways – ANA fleet, excluding subsidiaries, consists of 207 aircraft with 7 Airbus A320-200, 3 Airbus A320neo, 4 Airbus A321-200, 2 Airbus A321neo, 7 Boeing B737-700, 36 Boeing B737-800, 10 Boeing B767-300, 25 Boeing B767-300ER, 21 Boeing B777-200, 29 Boeing B777-...
This is the seat map for the 202-seat B767-300ER. There are 35 Business Class and 167 Economy Class seats. Seat rows are numbered from 1 to 39. Emergency exits are located on both sides at the front of the cabin, 2 on both sides in front of row 18, and both sides at the back...
在淘宝,您不仅能发现76692整版水贴JA8290 B767B 泰国航空ana加拿大客机模型定制2312的丰富产品线和促销详情,还能参考其他购买者的真实评价,这些都将助您做出明智的购买决定。想要探索更多关于76692整版水贴JA8290 B767B 泰国航空ana加拿大客机模型定制2312的信息,请来淘
ANA航空公司现有机队详情如下:飞机类型与座位数量如下:B747-400: 23-569座B747SR-100: 2-536座B747-200B: 2-456座B777-300ER: 2-247座B777-300: 7-525座B777-200ER: 4-234座B777-200: 15-418座B767-300ER: 20-288座B767-300: 34*1-288座B767-300ERF: 1-无B767-200: 1*2-...
Allnippon Airways (ANA) B767 Landing to NARITA AIRPORT JAPAN Narita Airport Japan 4K Author credit line ID63648573 ©Tetsuya Yamada | Image keywords Airport Japan Narita Airport B767 Landing Allnippon Airways Airport Japan
ANA's oldest B747SR has reached 32,000 cycles, 12,000 cycles over the economic design life goal, and the oldest B767 has reached 32,000 cycles, 64% of the economic design life goal (50,000 cycles). To date, no critical fatigue cracks have been found, however we should be alert on...