全日空首架国内线787-10东京羽田机场推出滑行+起飞 投入运营仅5天的新飞机 553 -- 33:01 App 香港快运航空A321NX福冈机场推出+滑行+起飞 426 -- 7:25 App 【设想】警固断层带地震(地震模拟)福冈县震度7/附解说/翻拍版 1107 2 6:24 App ANA767飞行体验 347 -- 3:55 App 去Haru的老家玩儿啦 | 九州...
留美的第一个学期拉下了帷幕,启程回国!12.16 NH109 纽约肯尼迪 - 东京羽田 777-300ER12.18 NH969 东京羽田 - 上海虹桥 787-10一起来探索 ANA 全日空 洲际经济舱的体验如何吧!, 视频播放量 15558、弹幕量 12、点赞数 224、投硬币枚数 25、收藏人数 107、转发人数 9, 视
ANA即将启用一批787-10飞机,以替代现有的777飞机,开始运营日本国内航线。这批787-10飞机将提供两舱服务,包括28个高端经济舱和401个经济舱,共计429个座位。相比之下,ANA国际线的787-10飞机拥有294个座位,而国内线的773高密度飞机则拥有514个座位。 这批787-10飞机将于3月开始运营,主要服务于以下航线: 东京羽田—...
#FATIII游记# 心心念念的ANA全日空的787-10终于打卡成功,虽然是国内版 ANA去年开始引入787-10国内版,C28Y401合共429座布局听上去又是骇人听闻的「运奴船」,但实际感觉非常良好,因为作为国内线专用,飞机上多...
BOEING 787 Dreamliner (Jet transport)The article reports on the first of three order of Boeing 787-10s taken by All Nippon Airwards, which is set to be deployed on routed from Tokyo, Japan to Southeast Asia.Lalk, DominicAirfinance Journal...
ANA波音787-10 JA900A在NRT 34R着陆,本视频由白云依静提供,6次播放,好看视频是由百度团队打造的集内涵和颜值于一身的专业短视频聚合平台
bells and whistles. Others working the business class cabin seemed like they were going through the motions, forgetting a drink order here or a dessert order there. And there were times when the meal services dragged on, like a 10-minute lag between finishing a course and plates being ...
Boeing 787-10 Age 8m Seats 294 Distance Flown -- Economy Business First Amenities None Seatback entertainment system Wi-Fi is available USB port and power outlet Seat Information 86 cm More legroom than on 75% of flights 43 cm Seat width better than on 5% of flights 100° Reclining Angle ...
Boarding itself was surprisingly quick. I think it took all but 10 minutes to get everyone on-board - that's quite fast! The business class seat is most comparable to the lie-flat seat in Delta planes. It's a bit bigger than the Delta variant and offers a bit more space. When...