英语缩写"ANA"通常代表"American Numismatic Association",直译为美国钱币协会。这个缩写词在中文中的拼音是"měi guó qián bì xié huì",在英语中的使用频率相当高,达到了586的流行度。它被归类于Community类别,适用于非营利组织领域。详细解释起来,"ANA"是"American Numismatic Association"的缩写...
英语缩写词 "ANA" 通常代表 "American Numismatic Association",中文即“美国钱币协会”。这篇文章将深入探讨这一缩写词的含义,包括其对应的中文拼音(měi guó qián bì xié huì),在英语中的广泛使用程度(流行度为586),以及它在商务缩写词类别中的位置,适用于专业组织领域。具体来说,"ANA"...
TheAmerican Numismatic Association(ANA)eLearning Academywas recently honored with the EdCom Award for Excellence in Programming during theMountain-Plains Museums Association's(MPMA) annual conference in Bismarck, ND. This award recognizes exemplary creativity and innovation in museum educational programming ...
8月6日至10日,由美国钱币协会(American Numismatic Association)主办的2024年国际钱币展销会(World’s Fair of Money)在美国伊利诺伊州芝加哥举行,中国金币集团有限公司董事白丽冰率团参展。 2024年ANA国际钱币展销会现场盛况 本次展会共吸引了世界各地超过1200家展商踊跃参展,汇集各国钱币产品、珍稀古币、投资币、纸币、...
8月6日至10日,由美国钱币协会(American Numismatic Association)主办的2024年国际钱币展销会(World’s...
英语缩写ANA通常代表"American Numismatic Association",中文直译为“美国钱币协会”。这个缩写词主要用于指代美国钱币爱好者和专业人士的组织,涉及币类收藏、研究和交易等领域。ANA的中文拼音为"měi guó qián bì xié huì",在英语中具有一定的流行度,据统计为586。它属于Miscellaneous缩写词类别,主要...
Submissions for theAmerican Numismatic Association's (ANA)annualYoung Numismatist Literary Awardscompetition are being accepted throughApril 1. The awards were established to encourage young writers in three age groups, all of whom compete for cash awards and numismatic books. ...
The article reports that the American Numismatic Association (ANA) will charge nonmembers entry fees to ANA coin shows and its museum at ANA headquarters in Colorado Springs, Colorodo. ANA President Barry Stuppler said the change from free admission to a fee-based entry for non-members is ...
The American Numismatic Association is recognizing two members that have “exhibited an influential, and positive presence within the numismatic community.” The ANA has named Ian Russell the 2023 Harry J. Forman Dealer of the Year. “The award recognizes a professional numismatist who shows unco...
摘要: The article reviews the web site of the American Numismatic Association (ANA) located at www.money.org.年份: 2012 收藏 引用 批量引用 报错 分享 全部来源 求助全文 EBSCO 相似文献OECD Science, Technology and Industry Scoreboard: Benchmarking Knowledge-based Economies 1999 More than ever, it ...