合肥市屯溪路小学六年级的几位热爱学习、热爱阅读、热爱分享的同学,将他们在英语学习过程中阅读到的有关自然、科技等新奇事情做成了一期Wow,what an amazing world!
摘要 除夕守岁是中国的传统习俗,是刻在骨子里的情结,每到除夕,全家团聚在一起,吃团圆饭,看春晚节目,放鞭炮,守岁,共同度过辞旧迎新的时刻.而守岁这一晚,或是熬夜或是通宵,都易引发人体气血阴阳失衡. 关键词传统习俗 / 除夕 / 放鞭炮 / 守岁 /
Today, I feel honored to have an opportunity to talk about some of my teaching ideas. My topic is an adventure in Africa taken from the reading part, the second period of Unit 2 in Module 2, Oxford English. My teaching plan is made up of 4 parts. Part 1 My understanding of this ...