电话 永吉街301-70号电话: 暂无信息 地址 通讯地址: 长春市南关区 查看地图 搜索周边 到达这里 从这出发 永吉街301-70号公交站: 永吉街、通化路、长春古玩城、平泉路(平泉路)、青怡坊、12中、平泉路(12中)、通化路、吉顺街、解放大路(永吉街)、客运南站、吉顺街(协和妇科医院)、平泉路(永安桥)、12中、...
型号 ANSNP70 功能: 大量非线性负载使用会导致中性线3N次谐波电流过大,同时,三相不平衡等问题往往也会造成中性线电流过大。而中性线电流过大非常容易导致中性线绝缘层老化起火引发火灾,存在较大的安全隐患。针对这样的情况,我司采用先进的电力电子技术、控制理论等研制出了新型的中线安防保护器,可有效消除中性线电流...
摘要: 主动脉夹层(aortic dissection,AD)比较少见,但近年来由于影像学长足的进步和人们对此病认识的提高,其发生率有逐年上升的趋势.本文就近五年急诊科遇到72例AD患者总结报道如下.关键词: 主动脉夹层;高血压;动脉瘤 DOI: CNKI:SUN:ZJJY.0.2008-12-026 年份: 2008 ...
In this paper we discuss the problem of identification in a model with cointegration. It is pointed out that there is an identification problem for both long-run parameters and short-run parameters. The identification of the equations and the cointegrating relations is achieved by linear restrictions...
Every country has its drinking shop, but none has an institution quite like the British pub. The most important feature of a good pub (which modern buildings hardly ever achieve) is a feeling of something private. It must have nooks and crannies, corners and snugs, where conversations and ...
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标准号:NFT70-301-1995(R2010) 英文标准名称:Energeticmaterialsfordefense.Physical-chemicalanalysisandproperties.Stabilizersandplasticizersofmaterialswithoutnitroglycerine.Methodbygazchromatography. 国际标准分类号:71.100.30 相关标准 《FZ/T 75004-2014》涂层织物 拉伸伸长和永久变形试验方法 FZ/T 75004-2014 ...
Describe the bug I'm sorry to ask you. I started webrtc streamer to run for a few hours or a day. When I encountered an error, the process stopped automatically for some reason. Please answer To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:...