AN1425 抗氧剂 化学成分 化学名称双(3,5-二叔丁基-4-羟基苄基磷酸单乙酯)钙 CAS65140-91-2 分子量694.8 化学结构 规格指标及物理特性 规格单位标准 外观白色粉末 熔点℃>260 挥发分%≤0.50 钙含量% 5.50-5.90 氯化物%≤0.30 透光率 425nm%≥85.00 500nm%≥90.00 溶解度(20℃)% 丙酮...
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Post comments associated with locations from your in-game world. An idea similar to Danmaku in videos, or Subnautica's well-received feedback system. - zbx1425/world-comment
Evacuation in shipwrecks is still an open challenging problem and has not been incorporated by existing crowd simulation models. Motivated by this, we propose a simple but general model to characterize different scenarios of shipwrecks, based on the original social force model. Using a body-fitted ...
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wind load. As a result the reaction of the control is faster and hence the perturbation rejection is more efficient. In this paper, two acceleration feedback techniques are discussed and the results of the measurement test on an AT telescope are presented. 展开 关键词:...
We know the kiss as a form of expressing love. But long before it became it was customary in many countries to use it as an expression of respect. Some native Africans kiss the ground over which a chief has walked. Kissing the hand and foo
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idea导入eclipse项目报错 Non-ASCII characters in an identifierjava:1425: Error: java: 非法字符: \65533 技术标签:eclipseintellij ideajava乱码 idea导入eclipse项目后发现中文乱码,Intelij中使用的默认编码是UTF-8,所以我把ide的编码改为GBK”后,显示正常,但在修改文件后,编译出现“非法字符: \65533和\0”。
SSSD unable to work withldaps. SSSD fails to start with an error "Could not start TLS encryption. error:1425F102:SSL routines:ssl_choose_client_version:unsupported protocol" Raw May 24 09:56:57 testsystem sssd[be[LDAP]][1234]: Could not start TLS encryption. error:1425F102:SSL routines...