⑴∵an =10+ lg2n=10+nlg2 ∴a(n+1)=10+lg2(n+1)=10+(n+1)lg2 ∴a(n+1)-an =lg2 由等差数列的定义可知数列为等差数列. ⑵令1024=2n得n=5 故答案为: 等差数列;5 由等差数列的概念:从第二项起每一项和前一项的差都是同一个常数,这样的数列叫做等差数列,这个常数叫公差。也就是表...
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Sunday Mirror (London, England)
Since the performance of a fuzzy logic controller only depends on the selection of membership functions and the inference of fuzzy rules, and fuzzy set theory, in nature, is capable of working with nonlinear systems, the fuzzy logic controllers have an advantage in coping with the time varying ...