S117 CHARACTERIZATION OF THE EFFECT OF BDS 391, AN ANALGESIC COMPOUND, ON 5-HT3 RECEPTORS AND ION CHANNELSNo abstract is available for this article.doi:10.1016/S1754-3207(11)70692-7W. Ferreira JrA.J. ZaharenkoA.C.O. FernandesV.O. Zambelli...
海尔(haier) 【京东配送】40英寸高清四代语音搜索内置 WIFI平板电视彩电 金色 金色 ¥2598海尔(haier) 【京东配送】43英寸四代语音搜索智能平板电视 金色 ¥2598海尔(haier) 【京东配送】LE42AL88A91 42英寸海尔智能高清液晶平板电视 灰色 ¥3788海尔(Haier) LS55U620C 55寸4K超高清智能电视LED液晶平板电视 ¥6998...
MP FILTRI 过滤器/滤芯 FP7086S117 MP FILTRI为布鲁诺.帕索托先生于1964年在意大利成立,是在液压过滤设备领域的全球制造商。其分公司遍布在美国、加拿大、德国、英国、法国中国等地MP-FILTRI专业生产过滤器、滤芯、过滤器设备、联轴器、钟型罩、液位计(传感器)激光颗粒检测仪(颗粒计数器)、液压测试接头;其雄厚的技术...
PURPOSE: A lifeboat davit is provided to be automatically controlled by an electric control box when an arm is fixed by directly launching a lifeboat without shaking.;CONSTITUTION: A lifeboat davit comprises a lower post(C), a frame(2), an electric control box(3), and a plate(4). The ...
S117 CHARACTERIZATION OF THE EFFECT OF BDS 391, AN ANALGESIC COMPOUND, ON 5-HT3 RECEPTORS AND ION CHANNELSdoi:10.1016/s1754-3207(11)70692-7W. FerreiraA.J. ZaharenkoA.C.O. FernandesV.O. ZambelliV.P. GutierrezK. KonnoG. Picolo
S117 CHARACTERIZATION OF THE EFFECT OF BDS 391, AN ANALGESIC COMPOUND, ON 5-HT3 RECEPTORS AND ION CHANNELSdoi:10.1016/S1754-3207(11)70692-7W. Ferreira JrLaboratory of Pain and SignalingA.J. ZaharenkoLaboratory of Pain and SignalingA.C.O. Fernandes...
Publication » S117 Preoperative Neutrophil Lymphocyte ratio as an indicator of bladder cancer invasion.doi:10.1016/S1569-9056(13)62150-8Kaynar, M.Yildirim, M.E.Badem, H.Cavis, M.Tekinarslan, E.Istanbulluoglu, M.O.Karatas, O.F.
S117Nationwide Burden and Trend of Gallbladder and Biliary Disease Attributable to High BMI in the Last 3 Decades: Secondary Analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2021doi:10.14309/01.ajg.0001028836.81185.bcGeorge Mathew MukalilCentral Michigan University, Saginaw, MI;Akhilesh Sharma...
Deloria-Knoll M et al (Clin Infect Dis 2012; 54: S117–S123).A correction regarding copyright of the article "Identification andSelection of Cases and Controls in the Pneumonia Etiology Research for Child Health Project" that was published in 2012 issue is presented....