【解析】 数列{an}为等差数列, ∴S_nS_(2n)-S_nS_(3n)-S_(2n) 也是等 差数列, ∵S_5=10,S_(10)=80 , ∴S_(15)-S_(10)=130 ∴S_(15)=210 由S10 S_5S_(15)S_(10)S_(20)S_1 成等差数列, 2[S_(15)S_(10))=(S_(10)^s_5)+(8_(20)^5S_(15)) ∴S_(20)=40 故填...
家得宝臻棉婴儿拉拉裤s108片,84 闭了双目,阳光下喧腾的青草芳香就包围了我们的嗅觉。是怎么样温馨而又好闻的一种清香啊,没有各色花香的浓烈,没有名牌香水的清雅,就是稻子成熟时的那种香味,是牛羊奶里的那个香气,是大自然的原香,是大地的味道,是自家母亲怀抱的味道。:。…… ...
一种自动补水的蝴蝶兰种植用滴灌装置,包括蓄水箱,所述自动补水装置包括进水管,所述进水管的下端的内部设置有活塞,所述进水管上设置有配合活塞使用的出水口,所述活塞的下方铰接有连接杆,所述连接杆的一端铰接有滑杆,所述连接杆远离滑杆的一端安装有辅助控制... 董春燕,黄佳云,孟娥,... 被引量: 0发表: 2021年...
disability and rehabilitation an exploration of the relationship between two measures of childrens participation view supplementary material an exploration... Purpose: To investigate the relationship between the Children Participation Questionnaire and the Children's Assessment of Participation with Hands. ...
Godparentage is probably not an optimal vector of patronage relations. In Bagnes people probably cannot borrow money from a godfather — that would create dependencies that the relationship cannot bear. Ritual Kinship provides weaker ties than, e.g., marriage alliances; relations are (and must be...
首先,我们需要下载S108飘带打印机的驱动程序。可以在打印机官方网站或者第三方软件下载网站上下载。下载完成后,我们将得到一个压缩文件,需要解压缩后才能进行安装。 2、安装驱动程序 解压缩后,我们可以看到一个安装程序。双击打开安装程序,按照提示一步一步进行安装。在安装过程中,需要注意的是选择正确的操作系统版本,否...
S108The Effect of an Interdisciplinary Rehabilitation Programme on Daily Physical Activity For Patients with Less Advanced COPD in a Primary Care Setting: A Systematic ReviewDivinghypercapniahypoxiachemo sensitivityexerciseIntroductionThe natural course of COPD is characterised by progressive airflow limitation ...
Ba4Ga4S10, eine neue Verbindung mit einem Ga4S108- -Adamantankfig / Ba4Ga4S10, a New Compound with an Adamantane Like Ga4S108- CageBariumthiogallate(IIICrystal StructureThe new compound Ba4Ga4S10 crystallizes in the monoclinic system, space group C2/c with the lattice constants: a = 1529.4...
Eric W. Sager and Peter Baskerville, "Family History in Canada: An Introduction," His- tory of the Family: An International Quarterly 4, no. 4 (1999): 367-74. For a recent review of Canadian works, see Bettina Bradbury, "Feminist Historians and Family History in Canada in the 1990s,"...