An external driver amplifier must drive the input to the AD7768/ AD7768-4 or the AD7768-1. Drive requirements for the analog front-end scale with the front-end sampling rate. Selectable precharge buffers on the AD7768/AD7768-4 or the AD7768-1 reduce the burden on front-end driver ampl...
Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to investigate various issues related to Chinese language localisation in Evergreen, an open source integrated library system (ILS). Design/methodology/approach: A Simplified Chinese version of Evergreen was implemented and tested and various issues such as encod...
They presented an idea of using recursion as an alternative to the existential quantification and using induction as a proof procedure in number theory. ... RL Goodstein - North-Holland Pub. Co 被引量: 130发表: 1958年 Landscape as a continuum: an examination of the urban landscape structures...
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江苏安康保险代理有限公司于2005-08-11成立 。公司总部位于南京市秦淮区科巷1号730室主要市场领域为(一)代理销售保险产品;(二)代理收取保险费;(三)代理相关业务的损失勘查和理赔;(四)中国保监会规定的其它业务。(依法须经批准的项目,经相关部门批准后方可开展经营活动)公司规模20-99人,性质为有限责任公司自然人投资...
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I'd like to fetch sorted docs and as I've figured, to avoid the no_usable_index error, I have to create an index. Is this possible to do this via Fauxton? I've searched a bit, read some docs, but don't see any mention of indices. (I'm no...