Design a PCB stack that supports a large plane capacitance. For example, a 6-layer stack may consist of a top signal, ground1, power1, power2, ground2, and bottom signal. Specify ground1 and power1 to be close in the stack—separating them by 2 mils to 4 mils forms an inherent high...
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AN1143中文手册之USB嵌入式主机的通用客户机驱动程序 如何使用MPLAB Harmony USB设备协议栈创建多个逻辑单元的应用程序 TB3017中文手册之dsPIC30F CAN中断管理 嵌入式设备上的USB海量存储类 1次下载 基于嵌入式主机上的USB海量存储设备类 6次下载 嵌入式主机上的USB海量存储设备类 评论...
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I 've got a problem on an AP1142N. It joins correctly its controller (5508 WLC) but one of his radio (Dot11Radio1) won't go up : #show cdp interface Dot11Radio1 is reset, line protocol is down Encapsulation ARPA Sending CDP packets every 60 seconds Holdtime is 180 seconds Here'...
I 've got a problem on an AP1142N. It joins correctly its controller (5508 WLC) but one of his radio (Dot11Radio1) won't go up : #show cdp interface Dot11Radio1 is reset, line protocol is down Encapsulation ARPA Sending CDP packets every 60 seconds ...
YA1142耐冷媒环氧无溶剂绝缘浸渍树脂 性能与用途: YA1142耐冷媒环氧无溶剂绝缘浸渍树脂漆膜丰满,机械强度高,耐热性好,优异的冷媒性能。用于制冷压缩机电机绕组的浸渍绝缘处理。
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