namely the question regarding the relation between the ideas of value on the one hand and dignity on the other hand: to be able to explain what it means to value humans as such, we have to assume that "dignity" is not just the indication of a certain value, but is also a condi...
Schüßler A, Mollenhauer D, Schnepf E and Kluge M 1994 Geosiphon pyriformis , an endosymbiotic association of fungus and Cyanobacteria: the spore structure resembles that of arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi. Bot. Acta 107, 36-45.Schüßler A , Mollenhauer D , Schnepf E , Kluge M ....
Verhalten aus- gew¨ahlter Arzneimittel bei der ku¨nstlichen Grundwasseranrei- cherung - Eliminierung und Effekte auf die mikrobielle Besiedlung. Acta Hydrochim. Hydrobiol. 29 (5), 269-277.Preuß G, Willme U, Zullei-Seibert N. Verhalten ausgewahlter Arzneimittel bei der kunstlichen ...
The use of a Gaussian integral kernel makes it possible to perform the spatial integration analytically. Furthermore it is shown how fast oscillations in the curve parametrization can be avoided by the use of non-integral parameters.H. Preuß...
Das Verfahren ist eine interessante Alternative für die Serienfertigung und ein universell einsetzbares Hochleistungsfügeverfahren.Ulrich DiltheyWilfried BehrSchweissen & SchneidenDilthey, U.; Behr, W.: Elektronenstrahlschweißen an Atmosphäre. Fachbeitrag Schweißen und Schneiden 8/2000, ...
szligSaliger R,Decker N,Prü e U.D-glucose oxidation with H2O2on an Au/Al2O3catalyst. Applied Catalysis B Environmental . 2011Saliger, R.; Decker, N.; Prusse, U. D-Glucose oxidation with H2O2 on an Au/Al2O3 catalyst. Appl. Catal. B Environ. 2011, 102, 584-589....
vaccinia virusinfectivityimmunitychallengeSummaryTesting the immunity against Orthopox viruses in mice with Vaccinia virusdoi:10.1111/j.1439-0450.1989.tb00575.xC.-P. CzernyH. MahnelO. HornsteinBlackwell Publishing LtdJournal of Veterinary Medicine
— Therefore, a semiempirical phase angle function was set up, which describes the pattern of the experimental values in every detail. The parameters Pz and Pe introduced are obviously valid for aqueous solutions in general, as the simulation of the phaseangle spectra of different dye solutions ...
During the conference G. Voss raised the question wheter the limit for the LV class should be raised to 2 000 V ac to meet demands of the future. Many reasons support this consideration.%Der Verfasser gibt eine Zusammenfassung der Diskussion zu dem obengenannten Thema auf der Fachtagung des ...