An umbrella term'指一种涵盖性术语,用于统称一系列相关或相似的具体概念,其核心作用是为复杂或多样的内容提供简洁的概括性表
你知道an umbrella term是什么意思吗? 2022-05-04 21:41:0845 单词 英语 语言 单词语法 外语分类 切换- 音频 00:00:00 / 00:00:00 高清 声音简介 英语词汇的来龙去脉2:umbrella。你知道an umbrella term是什么意思吗? 用户评论 表情0/300发表评论 暂时没有评论,下载喜马拉雅与主播互动音频列表...
The form ofaused before words beginning with a vowel sound:an elephant; an hour; an umbrella.See Usage Notes ata2,every. [Middle English, from Old Englishān,one; seeoi-no-inIndo-European roots.] Word History:The forms of the indefinite article are good examples of what can happen to ...
Savarino E, Zentilin P, Savarino V. NERD: an umbrella term including heterogeneous subpopulations. Nat Rev Gastroenterol Hepatol 2013;10:371-380.Savarino E, Zentilin P, Savarino V (2013) NERD: an umbrella term including heterogeneous subpopulations. Nat Rev Gastroenterol Hepatol in press....
umbrella term 是指概括的术语 An umbrella term for 。。。一个概括性的术语 an umbrella term to cover IT security professionals 一个概括的术语来描述IT安全专家 对
you might agree to the fact that order processing and keeping your operations running gets even tougher. An entire set of cascading processes needs to be executed in an accurate and timely manner to execute a single purchase transaction that can be put under the umbrella term ‘order management...
EFT stands for “electronic funds transfer.” It’s an umbrella term that encompasses both ACH and wire transfers. You could call an ACH transfer an EFT, but not all EFTs are ACH transfers. Wire transfers are an example. ACH payments specifically use the Automated Clearing House network, whic...
How much do you know about umbrella branding? While you might have a basic idea of what this term means, the concept of an “umbrella brand” is frequently misunderstood, and even confused with other concepts, like the “house of brands”. So, what is an umbrella brand?
LOV is an umbrella term that encompasses a range of schemas and ontologies as well as value vocabularies. Ontologies are semantic models of the things, entities, or concepts that exist in a specific knowledge domain. The Web Ontology Language (OWL) is a full-fledged ontology language for ...