Send from the heart this Christmas. Find out about last posting dates, buy Christmas stamps or gift packaging, and more at An Post.
I received a notification via post/SMS/email from An Post notifying me that An Post are unable to deliver my item until Customs Charges are paid. Why am I being charged customs charges? My item has not moved, why is this? Why do I need to pay customs charges before An Post delivers...
many rules are executed privately, so there is no chance for me to observe them. The polite guest gets the hostess alone in the kitchen and asks about the cost of replacing the glass. (So says Emily Post.)
Post Office All kids will be assisted by Santa’s elves in writing a letter to Santa and then depositing it in Santa’s magical mailbox. A few days before Christmas, they will receive letters at their own homes from Santa. Elf University ...
This post is for you fellow language learning nerds… Two years ago I wanted to see if I would be able to read Norwegian on the basis of knowing how to read Swedish, and I found that, with a truckload of time, patience, and effort, as well as a good dictionary, I could. ...
The Law of Post-Halloween Legal Standards Today is All Saints Day or All Hallows, a holy day of obligation for some. To others, it's just the day after Halloween -- a day they forget was once merely All Hallows Eve. Some spend All Hallows recovering from the revelry of the night ...
As I spend my first weeks walking the streets of New York, I wanted to capture some of my observations about the shift in my surroundings. (A post of lessons from working with Amory Lovins will follow soon!) View of Manhattan from Queens ...
(H-128; Santa Cruz Biotechnology; 1:100 dilution in 10% goat serum/0.3% Triton X-100) or (B) anti-human FOXO3 (75D8; Cell Signaling Technology, Inc.; 1:200) and either guinea pig anti-rat LHB (1:200), TSHB (1:200), GH (1:200), PRL (1:10,000), or ACTH (1:10,000)...
When my parents visited us in San Juan for the first time in early 2008, they both commented that it is a beautiful town, but they didn’t know how to access the various activities our pueblo claims to offer. So, this post is for you, Mom and Dad. Enjoy! And FYI – this is real...
fashioned post. You’d be surprised at the effect a serious letter writing campaign can have: did you know, for example, that Winston Churchill’s first became well known through his persistent letters to the editor ofThe Times, promoting leg o’ mutton sleeves as a viable fashion statement?