In the following sentence, from which following aspects does the sentence extend the definition? “An endangered species is a species (a population) of animals, plants or other organisms that is in danger of becoming extinct. This could happen because there are few of that animal left, its pr...
The pathogen must have the potential of virulence (to break all the host-defense mechanisms and harm it) to infect a new host, as only the possession of virulence differentiates the pathogens from nonpathogenic organisms. Moreover, based on the potency of virulence, pathogens can be categorized...
population in the North Sea supports the infection with this digenean for at least three years when kept in aquaria (H. Lauckner, personal communication). Infrapopulations ofRenicolasp.(from the White sea) thrived during one year after the infection was established, then perished together with ...
Here, we present the first population genomic study of an Octopus species, Octopus insularis, which was described in 2008 and is distributed in coastal and oceanic island habitats in the tropical Atlantic Ocean. Using genomic data, we identify the South Equatorial current as the main barrier to ...
A) Population B) Species C) Cells D) Individual What is an organism? What are its features? Explain with examples. What is an organism? State the two types of organisms. What is a single-celled organism that carries out all the functions of life by itself? What is the genus of single...
Currently, Spain exports greenhouse vegetables to the European Union (EU) valued at €6.2 billion (ICEX, 2021), with nearly 300 million consumers in Spain, constituting 40% of the European population. The Spanish horticulture sector’s production exceeds 4.5 million tons, cultivated across 42,000...
Finally, studying population growth gives scientists insight into how organisms interact with each other and with their environments. This is especially meaningful when considering the potential impacts of climate change and other changes in environmental factors (how will populations respond to changing te...
Viral community ecology is a term typically used to mean the study of all viruses recoverable by a given method in a given ecosystem, which is counter to the standard ecological definition of a community, which would include all organisms in a given environment or ecosystem. ...
Simple condition indices such as Fulton's condition factor (K = 100*(Weight/Length3)) and the hepatosomatic index (HSI = 100*(Weightliver/Weight)), as well as the measurement of energy reserves, are used as to assess population health (Claireaux et al., 2004; Jeffrey et al., 2015)....
In exponential population growth, variability in the timing of individual division events and environmental factors (including stochastic inoculation) compound to produce variable growth trajectories. In several stochastic models of exponential growth we