The brain of a monkey, a snail, porpoise, or a homo sapien is a neural network. In fact, brains in most living creatures are neural networks. They have been researched extensively, and while an exact understanding is not current knowledge, much has been discovered. They are composed of ...
It should be noted that one of the advantages of neural networks is the ability to include a variety of information that is not readily included in simple linear models such as ARMA models, such as rainfall, soil moisture, etc. One of the major limitations is that it is generally ...
Fig. 1. General neural network structure. Fig. 2 depicts the basic function of a neural network. Basic functions of all types of neural networks are data receipt from the external situation or sources, decide if this data will be activated and taken into account or is discarded as negligible...
Continual learning of context-dependent processing in neural networks 摘要: 深度神经网络能够学习出输入输出之间的复杂的映射规则,但是这个规则是固定的,不能够学习出多种场景下的不同的映射规则并根据场景的采用这些规则。正交权重修正以及场景以来的处理模块能够有效的解决深度神经网络的这个限制使得深度神经网络能够适用...
【多任务学习】An Overview of Multi-Task Learning in Deep Neural Networks,译自:前言在机器学习中,我们通常关心优化某一特定指标,不管这个指标是一个标准值,还是企业KPI。为了达到这个目标,我们训练单一模型或多个模型集合
[译]深度神经网络的多任务学习概览(An Overview of Multi-task Learning in Deep Neural Networks) 译自: 1. 前言 在机器学习中,我们通常关心优化某一特定指标,不管这个指标是一个标准值,还是企业KPI。为了达到这个目标,我们训练单一模型或多个模型集合来完成指定得任务。
Spiking Neural Networks and online learning: An overview and perspectives Neural Networks, (2020): 88-100 Abstract 以快速流的形式生成大量数据的应用正变得越来越普遍,因此有必要以在线方式学习。这些条件通常会施加内存和处理时间限制,并且它们通常会变成不断变化的环境,其中的变化可能会影响输入数据的分布...
Keywords: Online learning, spiking neural networks 1. Introduction 由于从几乎任何来源收集数据并进行分析以实现基于数据的洞察力,从而实现成本和时间减少、新产品开发、优化产品或智能决策的可行性,大数据一词在过去十年中获得了进步的动力,其中包括利润。在这些大数据场景中,一些特性可能会起到相关作用:存储整个数据集...
Deep learning: an overview and main paradigms In the present paper, we examine and analyze main paradigms of learning of multilayer neural networks starting with a single layer perceptron and ending wi... Golovko,A V. - 《Optical Memory & Neural Networks》 被引量: 9发表: 2017年 Deep learni...
Deep learning for ECG Arrhythmia detection and classification: an overview of progress for period 2017-2023 DEEP learningARRHYTHMIAMULTILAYER perceptronsRECURRENT neural networksCONVOLUTIONAL neural networksCONCEPT learningCardiovascular diseases are a leading cause of ... Y Ansari,O Mourad,K Qaraqe,... -...