Often when people think about things like an ailment of the lung, kidney, or any other major organ, they think only of a problem being there; however, because each of these also are part of a larger system of organs, a problem with the heart could lead to problems throughout the body...
Activation of these receptors results in a reflex inhibition of the muscle via the inverse myotatic reflex.7 GTOs are located in the tendons, close to the point of muscular attachment. As shown in Figure 2-25, each Golgi tendon organ consists of a thin capsule of connective tissue that ...
Immunity is self-nonself discrimination and the mammalian immune system has largely evolved to protect multicellular organisms. The coordinated immune response consists of a complicated and interconnected network of molecules and cells, the various cells and proteins constitute the immunity (Kimbrell & Beu...
The Forbidden City consists of an outer andin the orMuseuntinner courtyardThe halls of Supreme Harmony (Taihedian),In 2015, Along the River During theQingming Festival by Song Dynasty (960-1279)From: https: /ww.qlobaltimes.cpCentral Harmony (Zhonghedian) and Preservingcritics say it makes fo...
such that the LSt cells don’t just receive stimulation from the genitals and the brain. They also send signals back to both regions. This makes sense, seeing that sexual climax consists of pelvic contractions in the genital region and a psychological experience of intense pleasure that's brain...
A major obstacle in the study of the gut microbiota and its metabolome towards the development of probiotic therapeutic products is the scarcity of accurate, yet practical, models of the human gastrointestinal (GI) tract. The GI tract consists of distinct regions defined by pH, substrate availabili...
In the 1960s, Frost5recognized that a forming osteon in mammalian compact bone consists of a group of synchronous cells, suggesting “control mechanisms which are functionally and temporally ordered, discontinuous and discrete”. Frost advanced the enlightening notion of a basic multicellular unit (BMU...
The stomach is a muscular structure that consists of three layers: Outermost layer that is made of longitudinal fibers. The middle... Learn more about this topic: Digestive System | Definition, Organs & Function from Chapter 13/ Lesson 12 ...
The bone matrix consists of fibers oftype I collagenlaid down in layers that have various orientations, a portion of which in the mammalianskeletonmay be disordered but still adds to the strength of the matrix (Figs. 29-3and29-4). The matrix contains several additional proteins, including ot...
(2015), similar to the U-net, consists of the same downsampling and upsampling paths, but does not use skip connections. Another U-net-like architecture was used by Brosch et al. (2016) to segment white matter lesions in brain MRI. However, they used 3D convolutions and a single ...