For absolute form reconstruction, two analysis methods were considered, a direct measurement method (reflecting the accuracy of the positioning device) and a stitching procedure accounting for offset corrections. We primarily considered error sources which may have different impacts on the considered ...
(LABORATOIRE NATIONAL DE METRILOGIE ET D́ESSAIS (LNE), an independent research institute), a program measuring the BRDF specular peak was started in 2008 to explore the precise measurement of gloss attributes, and launched a lab facility named Conoscopic Device for Optic Reflectometry (ConDOR) ...
Absolute BRDF also depends on these quantities. Distance is straightforward; methods of measurement include digital inside micrometers and digital linear rulers with values that are traceable to wavelength standards. In the flux transfer method, Eqn (21), the 1/R2 dependence gives a sensitivity ...
Active methods require sensors from active light emitters to obtain 3D data, while passive methods essentially only rely on ambient light. Active measurement technology can be divided into two categories, one is a system based on triangulation and the other is a system based on time of flight (...
Further, as the method was derived from the momentum equation of the system, it requires the measurement of velocities only, and does not need any information of the acceleration and energy-dissipating internal forces. The latter is very difficult to accurately measure. Show moreView article A ...
The measurement of the reflected radiation by VegSAT will provide information on reflectance factors at the nadir- and off-nadir angles. Using these reflectance factors corrected with respect to the atmospheric influence the Bi-directional Reflectance Distribution Function (BRDF) can be generated for va...
presented a free-space entanglement-swapping experiment between the Canary Islands of LA Palma and Tenerife and showed the feasibility of the swapping protocol in a long-distance scenario by consecutive generation of the two required photon pairs and spike-like separation of the relevant measurement ...
surface.BRDF(hit_point, camera_vector, light_vector) L+= amount_reflected * incident_light Here we are using the symbolLto represent the light; this represents a slightly different unit for light measurement than dE, which was used before.Lrepresentsradiance, a unit for measuring light that we...
Most lenses used in any photographic application are measured in millimeters and f-stops (pronounced “EF-STOPS”). The f-stop is the method of measurement for the iris opening of the lens aperture. All optical lenses, from high-end motion picture cameras used in Hollywood to the low-cost ...
CraigWeiss,John F.Disterhoft, inEncyclopedia of Social Measurement, 2005 Reflective Sensors The other common method of measuring eyeblinks is to use an infrared reflective sensor that measures changes in reflected light as the NM extends and withdraws across the eye. This device combines an infrar...