本文由热心网友翻译自《An Introduction to Thermal Physics》,版权归原书作者Daniel V. Schroeder 以及 Addison Wesley出版社所有。本文内容仅供研究或个人学习之用,不能用作销售或与任何商业有关的用途。任何人士使用或引用本文内容,必须注明资料来源为Daniel V. Schroeder所著的《An Introduction to Thermal Physics》...
An Introduction to Thermal physics [Schroeder]-03 下载积分: 400 内容提示: 5.6 Chemical Equilibrium 209 One way to understand why there are always some "unstable" ions even at equi-librium is to visualize the collisions at the molecular level. At room temperature, the water molecules are ...
PHYSICS OF THERMAL PHENOMENA- An introduction to Thermal Physics Thermodynamics is the science that deals with heat, work and the properties of substances that bear a relation to heat and work. Like all sciences, the bas... CO Mosiori - PHYSICS OF THERMAL PHENOMENA- An introduction to Thermal...
文档标签: An Introduction to Thermal Physics 系统标签: thermal physics wesley addison introduction figure AnIntroductiontoThermalPhysicsDanielV.SchroederWeberStateUniversityThiscollectionoffiguresandtablesisprovidedforthepersonalandclassroomuseofstudentsandinstructors.Anyoneiswelcometodownloadthisdocumentandsaveaperso...
An Introduction to Thermal Physics 电子书 读后感 评分☆☆☆ 非常好的热力学与统计力学初学教材。 1.书中所有概念和定律的引入都非常自然,绝对没有那种“显然”,“明显”的垃圾教材的套路。 2.书中的习题非常好。可做性非常强,一道难题会分为几个小问题,一步步引导读者向着正确的思路前行。更为重要的是,习题...
This text provides a balanced, well-organized treatment of thermodynamics and statistical mechanics, making thermal physics interesting and accessible to anyone who has completed a year of calculus-based introductory physics. Part I introduces essential concepts of thermodynamics and statistical mechanics fro...
当当中国进口图书旗舰店在线销售正版《【预订】An Introduction to Thermal Physics 9780192895554》。最新《【预订】An Introduction to Thermal Physics 9780192895554》简介、书评、试读、价格、图片等相关信息,尽在DangDang.com,网购《【预订】An Introduction to The
Physics TodayD. V. Schroeder, Introduction to Thermal Physics, Addison Wesley Longman, New York, NY, 2000.D. Schroeder, Introduction to Thermal Physics, Heyden, Robin, United States, 2000, p. 422.Schroeder D V., Introduction...
Explore an introduction to thermal physics and understand how this field of study is applied. Learn about the key areas of thermal physics,...