注:本文是针对NTU MH3300 Graph Theory的学习笔记,相对来说比较基础,需要离散数学和线性代数知识作为前置 本系列会在理论内容中穿插一些例子用来更直观地理解~ 本文为第一章,目录如下 图论学习笔记(1)- 图的介绍 An introduction to graphs 图论学习笔记(2)- 树,割和连通度 Trees, cuts and connectivity 图论学习...
【图论导论(教材书稿)】《An introduction to graph theory》D Grinberg [Drexel University] (2023) http://t.cn/A601Bh9p #机器学习# #人工智能# #论文#
It wasn’t until last year, though, that I saw the opportunity to use Hashi to introduce my math unit onGraph Theory, the study of optimizing a network of points by using a limited number of edges. Hashi is perfect for talking about Graph Theory related concepts such as “minimum spanning...
This introductory text explores the theory of graph spectra: a topic with applications across a wide range of subjects, including computer science, quantum chemistry and electrical engineering. The spectra examined here are those of the adjacency matrix, the Seidel matrix, the Laplacian, the normalize...
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The problem has some practical use in network reliability theory. Some of the material in this book has appeared elsewhere in individual publications and has been collected here for the purpose of exposition. In preparation, we first collect some relevant graph theoretical and matrix theoretical ...
To**ms 上传3.68MB 文件格式 pdf bio-python 2.5 连接生物学数据库 在生物信息学中你需要做的很普遍的事情之一是从生物学数据库中提取信息。手动访问这些数据库可能 会非常枯燥乏味,尤其是当你有很多重复的工作要做的时候。Biopython 试图通过用 Python 脚本访问一些 可用的在线数据库来节省你的时间和精力。目前,...
一般说来,经得住历史考验的严肃著作,大概也只有Rolfsen的《Knots and Links》,Burde-Zieschang的《Knots》,以及这本Lickorish的《An introdution to Knot Theory》。这三本大概是念完后可以做些事情的,如果只是科普和随便翻翻,Colin Adams的那本《The Knot Book》无疑是最佳选择。3 Lickorish,即HOMFLY-PT中的L...
To**ow 上传3.68MB 文件格式 pdf bio-python 14.2 位置权重矩阵 模体对象的 .counts 属性能够显示在序列上每个位置核苷酸出现的次数。我们可以把这矩阵除以序列 中的实例数目来标准化这矩阵,得到每个核苷酸在序列位置上出现概率。我们把这概率看作位置权重矩阵。 14.2 位置权重矩阵 205...
theory, random graphs, and graphs and groups. Each chapter starts at a measured and gentle pace. Classical results are proved and new insight is provided, with the examples at the end of each chapter fully supplementing the text... Even so this allows an introduction not only to some of ...