Berys Gaut, Dominic McIver Lopes, The Routledge Companion to Aesthetics, Routledge Philosophy Companions 书籍: 柏拉图《大希庇亚篇》 亚里士多德《诗学》 介绍性书籍: Gordon Graham(戈登·格雷厄姆), Philosophy of the Arts: An Introduction to Aesthetics, 3rd Edition §政治哲学 论文: 约翰·罗尔斯《作为公...
Introduction Despite its great success and prediction capability, the Standard Model (SM) of particle physics is afflicted by internal and external problems, i.e. theoretical issues (such as hierarchy and strong CP problems) and not explained phenomena, like dark matter (DM), dark energy or matt...
33rd European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering QingLi, ...Anton A.Kiss, inComputer Aided Chemical Engineering, 2023 3Methodology and optimization approach For a givenmulticomponent mixture, a superstructure is initially created that contains all possible sequences using simple columns, and...
1. Introduction Today, projects have a significant role to play in the success of any company and the integration of activities leading to new products or services can improve its performance [1]. That is why many companies consider the use of project management as a key strategy for their ...
1. Introduction The MABAC (multi-attributive border approximation area comparison) approach has been widely utilized to investigate multiple-criteria group decision-making (MCGDM) problems and has been extensively applied in various case studies by many fabulous researchers. In many existing prestigious ...
:) The information you have provided is super helpful for folks like me who do not want to shell out thousands of dollars in legal fees just for simple LLC formations. I just filed my 3rd LLC (first in CA and next 2 in TX), all using the information you provided. Thank you, thank...
An excellent introduction to interactive methods and methods for evaluating user interfaces. Human Perception Anyone interested in broadening their understanding of how human perception works would do well to begin with a general introductory textbook. Sensation and Perception, Fifth Edition, Jeremy M. ...
Also provides automated public status pages (with support coming for 3rd party uptime monitoring). Free for up to 3 users, alerts via Slack, Discord, and Email.— Powerful alerting and on-call management for operating always-on services. Free up to 5 users.— ...
欧洲文化 An Introduction to European Culture AnIntroductiontoEuropeanCulture Purposesofthecourse ▪ImproveEnglishlearning▪Upgradepersonalquality▪Prepareforgraduateprogram▪Promoteinterculturalcompetence▪Broadenyourvisionforfuture CharacteristicsoftheCourse ▪WideCoverageofmanyfields:astronomy,geography,literature,...
To the memory of David Loebl (1956-1993) on his 63rd birthday and the 50th anniversary of his bar mitzvah. I was eight years old when my mother and I attended the bar mitzvah of my cousin Ernst Wertheimer (later Worth). During this Jewish coming-of-age ceremony, thirteen-year-old ...