Background The intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) is widely used in biomedical research to assess the reproducibility of measurements between raters, labs, technicians, or devices. For example, in an inter-rater reliability study, a high ICC value means that noise variability (between-raters ...
Aoshima, Fixed-size confidence regions for the multi- normal mean in an intraclass correlation model, Amer. J. Math. Management Sci. 15 (1995), 294 308.H. Hyakutake, Y. Takada, and M. Aoshima, Fixed-size confidence regions for the multinormal mean in an intraclass correlation model, Amer...
Interobserver agreement was high, with an intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) of 0.91. In a follow-up study, PI was shown to be moderately reproducible when studies were performed on separate days with an ICC of 0.60 [5]. The latter study showed that perfusion reserve, defined as the ...
the uncorrected Cohen’s d was calculated. For effects presented in terms of proportions of responders and non-responders in treatment and control conditions, the w statistic was used. For pre-post treatment comparisons
The overall Krippendorf’s alpha with the LAAT was 0.81 (SE 0.10, CI 0.59–1.00); with an intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) of 0.90 (CI 0.77, 0.96.). In a randomly selected cohort of DRESS syndrome-drug pairs, a significant proportion was potentially avoidable (“possibly” and “...
a ICC: Intraclass correlation coefficient. Show moreRead full articleView PDF Chapter Performance-Based Testing of Portland Cement Concrete for Construction-Scale 3D Printing 3D Concrete Printing Technology Book2019, 3D Concrete Printing Technology Ali Kazemian, ... Behrokh Khoshnevis Explore book 2.4 Te...
unvaccinated children of caregivers who complete the COVID-19 vaccination series due to the mHealth intervention from 30 to 40% [27, 55, 56] would require 758 caregivers (379 per arm), at the two-sided 0.05 significance level with power of 0.90 and an intraclass correlation coefficient of ...
Because of the small participant sample, mt and ft were not individually analysed as only two children presented with filled teeth or teeth extracted due to caries. Agreement between the GS and photographic assessors for dt and dmft was analysed using an intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) ...
It is found that the approximation is highly accurate in samples of moderately large size (搂 30 families), and can also be used for significance-testing under a broad range of circumstances. The exact sampling of distribution of the intraclass correlation coefficient is also derived....
To assess the inter-rater reliability for this interval data, across the four raters, an intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) was calculated. The ICC assesses rating reliability by comparing the variability of different ratings of the same subject to the total variation across all ratings and ...