The pleasure of prose writing vs. pornographic violence. An interview with Ian McEwan 来自 ResearchGate 喜欢 0 阅读量: 23 作者: R González 摘要: The pleasure of prose writing vs. pornographic violence. An interview with Ian McEwan 被引量: 4 ...
An interview with lan McEwan 来自: Albertina 2015-01-05 17:21:54赞 回复 转发 赞 收藏 只看楼主 Albertina 楼主 2015-01-05 17:22:57 Ian 的自述,感觉对理解他挺有帮助 赞 回复 Albertina 楼主 2015-01-05 17:28:07 主要谈的是他早期的经历,和一些...
Finally, I read two non-crime novels in September: Sweet Tooth by Ian McEwan, as ever a beautifully written book with many memories for me of what it was like to be a (very!) young woman in 1970s Britain. I was hoping the book was going to take a particular turn that it never di...
Going back to Ian McEwan’s observation, ‘a grown-up further diminished by the special irrelevance that haunts an elderly lady’, an elderly lady is like a matryoshka doll and carries the lessons of decades within her. She can hark back to any age and draw on her experience of being tha...
The Sea as a Setting and a Symbol in Contemporary Irish and British Fiction: Dermot Bolger's Temptation (2000), John Banville's The Sea (2005), Ian McEwan'... This dissertation investigates the function of the sea in contemporary British and Irish literature, focusing on the following three...
A more consistent pattern is that such transitions are over-stated when one compares the last month of the reference period of one interview with the first month of the next – the so-called “seam” – and understated when one compares reports for two months collected in the same interview...
Play-Doh, Lincoln Logs, and a Couple of Barbie Dolls: An Interview with Barrett Bowlin by Eric McDowell FWR editor Eric McDowell and Barrett Bowlin sit down to talk small presses, the fiction of shitty jobs, and Bowlin’s debut collection, Ghosts Caught on Film, winner of the Bridge Eig...
after it broke the embargo on its interview with Ian McEwan for launch date title Saturday. The London newspaper is believed to have made a substantial contribution to the 8,500 pound costs incurred by Cape as it rushed the book to retailers....
Through a series of meta-analyses, McEwan, Boudreau, Curran, and Rhodes (2019) found certain personality traits (e.g., sensation-seeking and extraversion) correlated at a medium to large effect size with adventure recreation participation. However, personality trait models have only explained a ...
The original pool of about 85 awareness and belief com- posites was generated by extracting salient statements from interview with 30 physician patient consultations on TAD performance. Statements identified as relevant were classified according to their underlying constructs in terms of the TPB framework...