McMurray, John
This represents ‘instrumental’ thinking about the environment, where an environmental resource is valued because humans can make use of it directly, especially for profit, such as land, whale oil, buffalo skins, or timber. Environmental economists call this ‘user’ or instrumental value and it ...
This signal sequence (sometimes called leader sequence), found at the amino-terminus of secreted proteins, is instrumental in the initial binding to theendoplasmic reticulumof polyribosomes.112,113As theleader sequenceemerges from the ribosome, it binds to an 11S particle called the signal-recognitio...
Translated to the survey items, this maximum impact of support for gender equality translates to, for instance, 15% of the respondents changing their response to the question whether they think having an authoritarian leader is a good way of governing their country from “good” to “bad” and...
aPoor communication is repeatedly cited as a key contributor in the failure of major change efforts. Not surprisingly, communication skills are increasingly regarded as a critical skillset for leaders, particularly in situations where the leader is an instrumental driver of change. 恶劣的通信在主要变...
Political realism, as defined by Hans Morgenthau (1993), is for the maximisation of “interest in terms of power” by the nation state and, for that purpose, “universal moral principles cannot be applied to the actions of states” (p. 5). Neo-realism’s structural emphasis on the ...
Protect your organization by implementing robust governance processes with the help of a board management software solution likeBoardEffect. Creating an ethical organizational culture is a dynamic and ongoing process that requires commitment and vigilance. As a leader in the nonprofit sector, you play a...
afive-time Grammy nominee Hersch balances his internationally recognized instrumental skills with significant achievements as a composer, bandleader, and theatrical conceptualist, as well as remaining an in-demand collaborator with other noted bandleaders and vocalists. 五时间Hersch平衡他的国际上的Grammy被...
Machine Vision Application refers to the utilization of neural models for tasks such as collision detection, motion tracking, and autonomous navigation in robots and vehicles based on visual inputs. AI generated definition based on: Neural Networks, 2023 ...
Finally, although the psychopathic profile is traditionally associated with maladaptive outcomes, we argue that the profile of the psychopathic leader comprises of several distinguishing traits that can lead to a certain level of ‘success’ in life. We propose that in the psychological profile of the...