Act 3 Quotes There’ll be plenty of time, when I’ve gone, for you all to adjust your family relationships. Related Characters: Inspector Goole (speaker), Arthur Birling, Mrs. Birling, Sheila, Gerald Croft, Eric Related Themes: Page Number and Citation: 48 Cite this Quote Explanatio...
Need help with Act 2 in J. B. Priestley's An Inspector Calls? Check out our revolutionary side-by-side summary and analysis.
Responsibility quotes serve as a constant reminder that we have the power to shape our own destiny and to make a positive impact on the world around us. Which quotation resonated with you best? Did you enjoy our collection of responsibility quotes? Or may be you have a slogan about responsib...
GCSE文学 正是由于Priestley体会到了战争带来的残酷和社会的动荡不安、民不聊生,所以他想用作品再现当时社会上典型人物的原型,剧中的人物Birlingcouple;Shelia;Eric;Gerald等都是典型的资本主义者,尤其是OldBirling。他们是upperclass,自私自利,有着很高的社会地位和金钱权利,对于贫苦的仆人和社会底层着毫无同情怜悯之心...
Act Three These lines illustrate the mood of this last part of the play, as well as the split between the Birlings and their children. Sheila and Eric realize the importance of the Inspector's lesson, notably that they need to become more socially responsible whether or not the particular ...
Grannia McFadden
It transpires, to Mrs. Birling’s horror, that Eric was, in fact, the father of the child, and she has just unwittingly damned her own son. Once Eric returns, the Inspector interrogates him about his relationship with Eva Smith. After meeting her in a bar when he was drunk (he has...
(Arthur, in particular, is only concerned for his reputation and his potential knighthood), Eric and especially Sheila are shaken by the Inspector’s message and their role in Eva Smith’s suicide. The younger generation is taking more responsibility, perhaps because they are more emotional and ...
Mr Birling shows that he does not think Sheila as capable to handle the Inspector and wants to try and “settle it sensibly for you [Sheila]” which he does not offer to do for Gerald or Eric. As a result, Sheila would have had to marry well in order to have security in her life...
Men:Adrien Brody, Alec Baldwin, Andy Garcia, Charlie Chaplin, Christopher Walken, Conan O’Brien, David Letterman, Dennis Quaid, Dudley Moore, Eddie Murphy, Elton John, Eric Clapton, Ewan McGregor, Casanova, Gregory Peck, Harry Houdini, Heath Ledger, Hugh Hefner, Jackie Chan, John Sebastian Ba...