An Inspector Calls: Directed by Aisling Walsh. With Sophie Rundle, Lucy Chappell, Miranda Richardson, Ken Stott. A mysterious inspector investigates the wealthy Birling family and their dinner guest following the suicide of a young woman.
又名神探到访 玻璃侦探 An Inspector Calls主演 古天乐曾志伟林家栋甄子丹柳岩 剧情 社会上甚有地位的裘氏一族正准备迎接一场盛大的订婚派对,一位不速之客贾探员(古天乐 饰... 导赏 全民男神古天乐化身奇幻侦探帅气驾到,“无厘头、零标准、不叨逼”三无喜剧全场卖笑。
An inspector callsChildcare providers are to be inspected by private companies, it has been confirmed.Dorothy Lepkowska
An Inspector Calls Jump to Content rating Sex & Nudity: Mild Violence & Gore: Mild Profanity: None Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking: Mild Frightening & Intense Scenes: Mild Sex & Nudity Add an item Mild 17 of 26 found this mildVote Verbal references to an affair. Two or three brief scenes of ...
【電影截圖】An I..An Inspector Calls劇情簡介:波林一家正在慶祝他們家女兒的訂婚,突然地一名探長為了一名女工自殺的案件前來調查取證。IMDB:www。imdb。com/title/tt4271918/B
An Inspector CallsVincent AMilford
An Inspector Calls8.4 作者: J·B·Priestley 出版社: Dramatists Play Service, Inc. 出版年: 1998-1 页数: 72 定价: USD 8.00 装帧: Paperback ISBN: 9780822205722我要收藏随机来一本书推荐文章猜你喜欢附近的人在看推荐阅读拓展阅读热门标签: 戏剧 英国文学 英国 J.B.Priestley 文学 Play ...
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