Inferior Alveolar Nerve. As noted, in its initial course, theinferior alveolar nervehas a close relationship to thelingual nerve. After separating approximately 5 mm below the cranial base, the inferior alveolar nerve travels between the lateral andmedial pterygoid muscles. The inferior alveolar nerve...
Some major anatomical structures of interest include the maxillary sinus, the greater palatine vessels and the inferior alveolar and mental nerves (Fig. 5.55). In addition, local structures such as the root anatomy and the relationship of the tooth to the periodontal apparatus and adjacent teeth ...
However, if the resulting bronze from this ore was of inferior quality or of unsuited composition, the ancient miners might have lost interest in the vein. Although we suppose that the slag is the result of experimental smelting, the underlying smelting technology was certainly a developed one. ...
The purpose of this research is to establish the necessary and sufficient conditions for food safety and security during pandemic outbreaks, focusing on th
Experiments aiming to understand sensory-motor systems, cognition and behavior necessitate training animals to perform complex tasks. Traditional training protocols require lab personnel to move the animals between home cages and training chambers, to st
Ac-cordingly,Christianity was situated inatenserelationship withJudaism, oneThis chapter isaslightlymodifiedversion of M. Rothgangel,“Anti-Semitism asaChallenge forReligious Education,”inReligious Education: Between Radicalism andTolerance,ed. E. Aslanand M. Rausch (Wiesbaden: Springer,2018), 35...
The present study does not have sufficient data for reliable source analysis, however from the overall field maps (Fig.2B) it appears that the identified clusters encompass the right superior temporal gyrus (rSTG), right inferior and middle frontal gyri (rIFG/rMFG) and left posterior parietal ...
and the hallmarks of an educated man. That Herder as an ambitious young man should devote himself to these languages is perhaps not surprising. Where his love of languages really begins to shine is with his dedication to Latvian, a language that, at the time, was considered an inferior peasa...
X rotation (medial–lateral axis) 15 2 Y rotation (posterior–anterior axis) 18 23 Z rotation (inferior–superior axis) 5 40 This table presents axis rotation values associated with the “average” subtalar joint function as described by Inman [22]. This average joint rotates 24 degrees about...
and making them appear inferior. For instance, Wills suggested hostile forms of humor can be used to derogate a person or group of people. Putting others down, even in jest, serves to boost one's own status – in comparison. Another illustration of self-enhancing comparisons is when a teena...