Common names: Mountain ebony tree, purple orchid tree; rokto-kanchon (Bangladesh); tali kancu beureum (Indonesia); kachnar, mandarai, kaanchanaara (India); doc ban (Laos); tapak kerbau (Malaysia); bwechin (Myanmar); koiralo, taki (Nepal); sieo dok khaao (Thailand); hoa ban (Viet... elm. rise/ascend/go up/lift y.āng elm. sleep; rest; uncounscious y.e cnj. while (durative) y.e’a deix. yon (away from both of us) (after an indicated noun) y.e’i elm. convex; bulge y.e’i’uam elm.CMP mound (of soil) ...
Contrast this with Saigon. Saigon is the kind of city that stays up late. There's always someplace to go eat and drink that's open. It's loud and noisy. You can get your massages here too but the masseuses will always be young women, not the aunties (or grannies or sometimes even ...
previous 14 freaking hours. That just adds up and those grievances can really take a toll. So you have to be clear about this type of stuff before somebody gets stabbed for leaving the cap off the toothpaste or whatever. You got to handle these little things because they will add up. ...
“suburbs” when he was 6 months old. I think Rebecca and Robert are probably familiar with the DC area suburbs since it seems like they grew up there, but if they haven’t spent much time there recently I’d encourage them to go explore some neighborhoods. We rented half of a duplex...
So much for the voice of the [lone] customer. I’m tempted to persist because it does really irritate me. But can I be bothered? Perhaps I need to let it go, to chalk this up to a small and insignificant battle that’s not worth gettinghet upabout. ...
Tis the season we all go a little crazy spending money. Debt can pile up. It can pile up for your Company, too. The expression, “those that help, help themselves.” is never more of a challenge than it is right now. As a business owner, I’m here to say, “We’re all in th...
As noted in the introduction, only medically qualified providers can legally prescribe antibiotics. The national government also allows public sector Auxiliary Nurse Midwives to administer gentamycin and amoxicillin for infants with pneumonia (GoWB, 2014c), and the West Bengal government allows qualified...
I could go on and on, because I know them personally and I know for a fact that they are trying really hard to help you and that all these attacks are actually affecting them on a personal level. They got offered a lot of money before to sell their startup (even in the initial sta...
Hence a compromise between total braking energy storage and the amount of mass is necessary. In hybrid vehicles, the function of the control system is to determine how to coordinate the power sources to satisfy power demand and the dynamic constraints in the most convenient way. The main ...