在Python中,当我们使用urllib3库进行网络请求时,可能会遇到“Connection broken: ConnectionResetError(10054, ‘An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host’)”错误。这个错误通常表示与远程主机的连接被强制关闭。原因分析: 远程服务器关闭了连接:这可能是由于服务器过载、服务器端程序出错或者服务...
启动你的服务器。 上述解决方案还解决了使用 Minecraft 时出现的an existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host错误。 重新安装Java 如果Java安装出现问题,也可能导致an existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host。 重新安装 Java 将解决该问题。 请按照以下步骤重新安装 Java: 打开...
During normal Vault Client or Vault-CAD-Add-In operations, the following error message may appear: Autodesk Vault <Edition> 2022 An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host. The remote server returned an error:...
先排查这个问题:This could also be caused by a mismatch of the security binding between the ...
服务端不能 Receive, 是因为连接已经超时,或因为意外情况连接断开,总之就是连接不再可用了.
原答案: It seems this issue has no exact solution, because the cause of this issue is not same for everyone. However, if you have faced this issue recent
An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host.远程主机强制关闭现有的连接。解决办法:重新启动电脑试试看。远程主机强制关闭现有的连接是Socket被另外一端关闭了,所以你这边无法发送信息过去。Socket是一种虚拟的网络连接,用于网络中两台机器之间的通信。使用的协议是tcp/ip。tcp和udp。
staticlib --crate-type proc-macro --print=sysroot --print=cfg` (exit code: 2) --- stderr sccache: error: failed to execute compile sccache: caused by: Failed to send data to or receive data from server sccache: caused by: An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host...
最近在网络编程开发中遇到socket.error: [Errno 10054] An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host这样的错误,查了些资料也没什么用; 最后发现原来是socket server在设计时提前将socket套接字对象关掉了,所以导致下次使用找不到socket server的套接字对象而报错 ...
enum CompanySize { NoSet = 0,Micro = 1,Small = 2,Medium = 4,Big = 8,Giant = 16 } 当这个属性值是-1时,就会引发WCF出现"An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host"错误。当然, CompanySize的值不应该出现-1,这是⼀个Bug引起的,但WCF的这个错误信息实在让⼈费解。