When debugging, the default Python filter excludes any print statements in the service. To see output from the service use the adb logcat -s option, for example adb logcat -s Worker. Note, that name parameter is the name of the service with only the first character capitalized, exactly ...
Of particular note was an influential World Bank (1994) publication, Averting the Old Age Crisis. It called for a “three-pillar pension scheme” – with a modest publically financed first pillar in the form of either a universal or a means-tested social pension. The focus of this pillar ...
“The body is a social construction” (Holdrege,1998, p. 343), and it is constructed over a period of time through discursive practices. Michel Foucault’s social theories promulgate the means through which disciplinary techniques of power regulate and control individuals, and produce docile bodies...
0.3.0Swapping include/exclude order in the generated rsync command. Includes now come before excludes to faciliate the normal way of excluding file patterns with exceptions in rsync. See#16. 0.2.0Now launching the rsync command in a shell likechild_process.execdoes in Node Core. This enables ...
Positivism, for example, excludes the possibility that research is value-laden and thereby rejects questions of moral or power relationships, all of which are relevant in the study of tourism and oil. Positivism assumes that true reality exists and that it can be understood by the means of ...
ndb_restore cannot be used to re-create the table with a different definition from the original; this means that you must either create the table manually, or alter the columns which you wish to promote using ALTER TABLE after restoring the table metadata but before restoring the data. ...
We implement the trigger by means of the following code: CREATE TRIGGER emp_instrINSTEAD OF INSERTon emp_viewFOR EACH ROWDECLAREdept_var dept_t;emp_count integer;BEGIN-- Enforce the constraint..!-- First get the department number from the referenceUTL_REF.SELECT_OBJECT(:NEW.deptref,dept_var...
ndb_restoremust be executed once for each of the backup files that were created by theSTART BACKUPcommand used to create the backup (seeSection, “Using The NDB Cluster Management Client to Create a Backup”). This is equal to the number of data nodes in the cluster at the time...
The reason being that no note can be in multiple notebooks at once.Search orderNotes are sorted by "relevance". Currently it means the notes that contain the requested terms the most times are on top. For queries with multiple terms, it also matters how close to each other the terms are...
This is unsurprising given the many causally relevant factors that the model excludes by its idealizations. Yet, von Thünen believed that his model managed to provide a true account of the functioning of the economic mechanism of distance. (See [Mäki, 2011].) This work anticipated later ...