首先你用电脑去:https://github.com/LumaTeam/Luma3DS/releases 这个网站,下载文件名是: Luma3DSv10.2.1.zip的文件,把Luma3DSv10.2.1.zip解压缩,你会得到两个文件boot.firm和boot.3dsx把你的3ds或3dsll游戏机里的储存卡插进读卡器,读卡器插进电脑,并打卡储存卡的内容把刚才下载的两个文件boot.firm和boot....
纯新人求助..以前不能正常开机的3DS最近准备重刷系统尝试修复,格式化SD卡之后按照SD卡数据意外删除的修复教程做了一遍结果显示红字an exception occurred,后面尝试了更新LUMA和重刷B9S的方
Device: New 3DS Boot Method: B9S 1.2 Luma 3DS Release: v8.0 Dump:crash_dump_00000000.zip Screenshot: Copy/pasteable version (yes I typed all of this) An exception occurred Processor: ARM11 (core 0) Exception type: data abort Current process: menu (0004003000008F02) R0 00003FFF R1 0032...
Processor : ARM11 (core 0) Exception type : data abort fault status : Translation - section (I think) I am new to not only the 3DS system but also to the Luma3DS stuff as well (my username is a coincidence). I followed the guide to install homebrew, and the latest version of the...
3ds破解版误升级后显示an exception occurred? 关注问题 邀请回答 知乎· 1 个回答 · 1 关注 封不觉关注 求助,之前应该是a9,手贱同意了系统推送的升级,之后就变这样。求大佬帮忙支招 发布于 2018-01-14 00:22 1 上海某饭馆推出一款售价 200 元一碗的潮汕砂锅白粥,店员称贵是因为人工现熬,这个...
求助an exce..玩着妖怪手表汉化版,突然就黑屏变这个了,点了A以后再点A就关机了,再开可以进系统,但是进游戏玩一会儿还会这样,求助各位大神解惑,Luma版本13.0.1,系统b9s
The FIX for ARM11 Core 1 Error on 3DS(While Loading External Storage Firms and Modules is checked or turned on) If you've tried everything suggested here and you're still getting the ARM11 Core 1 error, here's something else you can try that worked for me: ...
Disable ARM11 exception handlers: (no ) -- Explanation of the issue:An exception occurred Processor: Arm11 (core 1) Exception type:Data abort Fault status: Translation-Page Current process: Menu (000400300008f02) Ro 00000000 R1 00000000
Users reported that The script action can not be executed correctly and you receive an error "An error has occurred in the script on this page". The system or a 3rd party application is blocking or restricting the script from executing