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Whenthe towerfirst went up in 1972, it became a prime example of Metabolism, an influential architectural movement in post-war Japan. Metabolism’s chief exponents had studied under Tange Kenzo, an architect whose works included the park and memorial built in Hiroshima to commemorate the nuclear ...
Metabolomics is, therefore, the identification and quantification of all of the metabolites in a biological system at some point in time using blood or urine samples. It is important to remember that the metabolites in question are the products of the normal endogenous metabolism of the cell, ...
Terpenoid metabolism is also responsible for creating a wide array of related, yet chemically distinct natural products, which play important roles in interactions among organisms and defense mechanisms against biotic stresses [4, 5]. Many of these terpenoid natural products have found use as ...
In addition to our previous findings wherein sex-related differences were observed in methionine, pentose phosphate pathway, methionine metabolism and polyamine metabolism34, we also observed differential enrichment of additional pathways in tumors from female and male patients (Fig. 4). For example, ...
Book2007, The Handbook of Metabonomics and Metabolomics Richard N. Trethewey, Arno J. Krotzky Explore book 16.1. Introduction Metabolite profiling has a long history in the plant sciences, no doubt because the investigation of metabolism has remained at the forefront of this discipline since the ...
An Introduction to Metabolism An Introduction to Metabolism Chapter 8 notes An Introduction to Metabolism
5b, c). This may be due to differences in excretion and metabolism among different populations. Previous studies have reported that pesticides are excreted more slowly in elderly individuals and in men6,46. Moreover, sex-specific associations between exposure and disease-associated lipid changes may...
Functions of the liver • Protein metabolism. Synthesis of all proteins apart from gamma-globulins • Carbohydrate metabolism. Glucose homeostasis • Lipid metabolism. Metabolism of lipoproteins • Bile acid metabolism. Conjugation of bilirubin and production of bile • Drug and hormone metabolism...
an example of biological adaptations which allow an organism to withstand environmental changes. Medical plant research advocated the impact of environmental stress and its mechanisms to remediate pollutants from the environment. Different methods have been adapted by medicinal plants which improve their ...