This paper presents a new significance for an old method by describing the theory-method fit between complex adaptive systems (CAS) theory and ethnography. Using an example from an ethnographic study of intergroup conflict in joint product development, this paper supports the argument that doing ...
Because ethnography is a qualitative study, it’s all about gathering information about the stories, experiences, and perspectives of the people you’re researching. Instead of asking yes-or-no questions or ticking boxes on a survey, you use research methods that help you know folks on a perso...
On the basis of an explorative study among ten Danish municipalities, we conducted an ethnographic study of the development of a municipal-wide implementation strategy for the intersectoral health policy of a medium-sized municipality. The main data sources consist of ethnographic field notes from part...
For example, the psychological and behavioural studies of drug markets (see below) could be enhanced by the application, or at least description of, the types of drug markets being referred to using this ethnographic work. View article Ethnography P. Luken, in International Encyclopedia of Housing...
In the difference, ethnomethodology holds a transformative relevance for educational study, and the article tracks its mark over the last 40 years to clarify what is both disruptive and promising about it. View chapterExplore book Ethnography Faye Allard, Elijah Anderson, in Encyclopedia of Social ...
In this study, we sought to investigate the recovery orientation of an NHS inpatient rehabilitation unit using ethnographic methods. Ethnography is a qualitative method particularly suited to this research question because it attends to actual practice on the ground, in all its complexity, as opposed...
In this article, the authors discuss an ethical dilemma faced by the first author during the fieldwork of an ethnographic study of expertise in anesthesia. The example, written from the perspective of the first author, addresses a number of ethical issues commonly faced, namely, the researcher-...
Confronting Collaboration: Dilemmas in an Ethnographic Study of Health Policy MakersTOBACCO CONTROLPUBLIC HEALTH POLICYCOLLABORATIONETHNOGRAPHYENGLANDIn this article we report on collaborative, ethnographic research investigating the first regional tobacco control office in the U.K. and some of the dilemmas ...
Ethnography Fili (2013)How does the binary view of females in prison as either victims or resisters frame how we understand identity? • Criminal justice • Political theory • Epistemology • Identity Theoretical reflection; case study ...
filial piety is reflected in China as well, where officials in some localities have begun requiring contracts of support between elderly parents and their adult children. Newlyweds in China’s Qindu district, for example, are now required to sign contracts to support their parents after age 60....