In many cases, creating an “avatar” of your customer — with a name, location, and personality — is a valuable way to both develop your author bio and strategically target your book marketing efforts. Check outthis guideon how to create a customer avatar. Don’t add information “just ...
Don’t stop with a dry list of your degrees or past positions — add some personal details to help your readers get to know you.For example, where do you live? Do you have a spouse, children, or a pet? What hobbies do you enjoy when you aren’t working or writing?
Anecdotal obituary example It is with heavy hearts that we announce the passing of Brett Carlson on September 23, at the age of 57, from sudden cardiac arrest. Brett was a boisterous personality in the community, and his hometown of Lakeview will miss the unmistakable sound of his laughter. ...
What is an example of a brand story? Tom’s Shoes has a great brand story. While traveling in Argentina, the founder saw children living in poverty, running around without shoes. He created a shoe company that donated a pair of shoes to a child in need for each pair of shoes that are...
Standpoint Theory exampleAs explained, the main concept is that an individual’s own perspectives are shaped by his or her experiences and social influences / groups. Take, for example, a group of Hispanic women.These women’s views may be similar in terms of racial backgrounds or gender ...
Hollander uses the example of echo in John Milton’sParadise Lost,which indeed Afghanistan has become. “The country is struggling with a lot of problems,” Hosseini said of his native land. “The big question is what will move into the vacuum when the US and NATO troops leave in 2014. ...
The book intertwines personal narrative with public history, to offer another example of the power of the biography as a mode of historical analysis, at once able to capture a society in microcosm while drawing in the historical macro. In her explanation for writing the book, the author ...
Since no one wrote a biography of Giotto until hundreds of years after his death, one might wonder how so much information is known about the man. The answer is that historians have used everyday documents, such as receipts and ...
This is also an example of concise experiments that led the way and needed theoretical understanding. At this stage, it is worthwhile and instructive to examine the seminal work that was progressing in the mid to late eighties and well into the nineties....
In this episode of 80 Days: An Exploration Podcast we’ll be talking about Shetland, a group of about 100 islands, fewer than 20 of them inhabited, in Scotland, 210 km (130 miles) north of the Scottish mainland, at the northern extremity of the United Kingdom, around 340km or 210 mil...